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What Should My Mindset Be in the Club?
Outside the Club:
The mindset of a guy who attracts beautiful women comes down to four
basic themes. These are: Presence, Confidence, Fun, and Certainty.
This can be built through building self-respect, meditation,
and nutritional habits. Why? Because these are the factors that research
has shown to have the BIGGEST effect on your concentration. It does
not take months to figure these things out. They can be hacked right
now using the following methods:
Focus on 5 things that you’ve already done in your life that
you are proud of. Have fun when you get in the club, but take your time
seriously and don’t waste it with unworthy women. You are a serious
man with important things to accomplish. Your time is valuable.
2 hour before you go out, make a large smoothie that
includes water, bananas, kale and spinach, with arugula or Swiss chard
as substitutes or add-ons. If taken two hours before a night out, your
inflammation markers will quickly decrease and you will begin to feel
more relaxed.
Download Insight Timer or HeadSpace, listen to one of
the accompanying guided mindfulness meditations for 20 minutes.
Meditation has both immediate and cumulative effects, so it will help
you now to stay engaged, and over time as you meditate more.
In the club:
One minute exercise: Focus on something, anything in the outside
world. This can be the girl you are talking to, the drink you are holding,
or a painting on the wall. Look at it with total concentration. When
you start to get distracted by thoughts, bring your focus back to your
chosen focal point. As you continue throughout the night, keep cutting
off thoughts and bring your attention back to what you are doing. If the
thought is really that important, you’ll remember it later.
When you are working, focus on your work and nothing else. It’s time to
be serious and productive.
But when you are in the club, leave those thoughts outside and focus on
having fun and enjoying the titties. Take some titties home with you. It’s
not time for work now, its Titty Time!!
The unshakable belief that
YOU are the perfect guy for the right kind of
woman is the primary reason naturals are able to get girls with no training.
They have a steady stream of thoughts that reinforce their confidence and
abundance. This can sometimes border on narcissism. What’s the secret
to these thoughts? Your inner self-talk should be primarily on things that
you’ve accomplished in the past and on congratulating yourself for taking
action now, and surpassing little bitch-boys ever further. Every outside
stimulus is interpreted as a reason why you are awesome. You will have
to CONSCIOUSLY think these thoughts at first, but after a while they
will become natural. Someone on the street looks at you? You mentally
vocalize that they must find you attractive. Someone yells at you? They’re
probably jealous of your good looks, status, and charm. Start doing this
Do realize, not every woman is going to like a man like you. Also realize
that communicating with the belief that many women will love you and
chase you, will in fact help you get women who love you and chase you.
Fun is the currency of the night club. Men have been getting girls solely
because they are fun for millions of years. How do we quickly hack the
mindset of a fun guy? By approaching every situation with the intention of
making it funnier. Self-amusement comes down actively making situations
more ridiculous to the point of absurdity. Boring her to death is not an
effective strategy. Make your own fun and invite her to join. If you’re such
a dull cunt that you don’t even like yourself, don’t expect her to like you
Before the Club:
Certainty is what helps you express your personality without wavering
and pass difficult tests the girl throws at you. To get this mindset, start
by filling out the accompanying 10 Commandments of Game, 3 Sacred
Questions Workbook. Spend a few days writing the answer to these
questions in as much detail as possible. Look over the answers you’ve
given to these questions until they become a part of you. After that, the
questions should be reviewed and updated once a month to keep you on
At the Club:
When something that is not ideal happens while you are out, quickly
think back to what your beliefs and values are, and act accordingly.
Ignore stimulus that doesn’t contradict your internal code. This is
someone else imposing their will to get you to behave in a way that they
perceive to be in their best interest, but may be against yours.
Mindset sayings: “I’m here to fuck around and have fun, and approaching
girls is just a natural extension of that.”
My Sets Go Great, But I Rarely Pull
(Part 1 – General Screening):
The biggest differentiator between an advanced guy and an intermediate
is usually NOT a deeper, more esoteric understanding of the game’s
underlying dynamics. Rather, it’s his ability to set up logistics properly and
screen girls for compatibility. This is the one skill that will double your pull
rate immediately if implemented.
Screening means evaluating which girls are compatible with
you as a short or long term partner. This happens both directly through
asking questions, and indirectly through observation. Metrics you
should screen for include:
Is this someone you have things in common with? Do you
find her compelling or obnoxious? Is this someone you could foreseeably
spend the next few hours or the next few months, or the next few years
with? Ask questions about commonalities and personality fitment
AFTER the set is hooked and she is already attracted to you. Otherwise
they will come off as too logical.
This type of screening should be done simply by
approaching the women you are most attracted to. Don’t waste time
with women with whom you don’t even like.
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