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Playing it safe isn’t working anymore;
you’re not going to get out of this clean.
You have illicit tech and the talent to use
it. Time to go shake the city and see what
falls out. You’ll get hurt, sure, but what
kind of pain will you deal out?
is a roleplaying game. You play
protagonists like cyber-tweaked couriers,
hard-nosed investigators, and drugged-
out hackers making opportunities for
themselves in a despairing world. Using a
rules-light system with enough intricacies
to spark new fires of hardboiled crime
novels and cyberpunk science fiction,
lets you coax, hack, fight, prowl,
and shoot your way through a dark future.
It features Transmissions—city guides
brimming with plot nodes to inspire your
high-tech adventures—that the GM uses to
create tangled and compelling plot webs
that expand and evolve as the players’
characters engage it.
A game by Jeremy Keller
Cellar Games
Jeremy Keller
Writing, Design, Layout, Illustrations, Art
Jeremy Keller
Will Hindmarch
Mikael Andersson, Mark DiPasquale, Konrad Gula, Josh Rensch, Melissa Rensch,
Colleen Riley, Christopher Ruthenbeck
Additional Art
Leah Huete (with reference photos by Yann Saralle and Zimu Zhang)
Internal Playtesting
Chris Adkins, Cam Banks, Lenny Balsera, Tracy Barnett, Daniel Bayn,
Lauren DeSteno, Mark DiPasquale, Morgan Ellis, Will Hindmarch, Ben Hutchings,
Brenden Johnson, Ryan Macklin, Jason Morningstar, Garret Narjes,
Michelle Nephew, Sean Preston, Josh Rensch, Melissa Rensch, Colleen Riley,
Kira Scott, Travis Scott, Jeff Tidball
External Playtesting
Adolfo “Asgard”, Anna Bastis, Jeremiah Bell, Samuel Benke, Przemyslaw Bieronski,
Thomas Blackwood, Dylan Boates, Anthony “Runeslinger” Boyd, Trenton
Burgeron, Jesse Burneko, Bryan Carter, Mark Causey, Ryven Cedrylle, Stuart
Chaplin, Alexander (Lxndr) Cherry, Justin Chu, Konstantin “Andras” Delchev,
Raymond Denney, C. Edwards, Morgan Ellis, Matthew D. Gandy, Chris Gay, Sean
Garig-Meyer, Asen “The Cuddly Werewolf Xia” Georgiev, Richard Gillingham,
Guille “Fenrir”, Konrad Gula, Guns_n_Droids, Tom H, Nicholas Helton, Mike
Holmes, William Huggins, Iñaki “Kendachi”, Bert Isla, Stephanie Jackson, Juanjo
“CoffePot”, Jacek Kalecinski, Andy Kitkowski, Eric Lange, Min’rocheem Lungelow,
Tom M, Mike Marcotte, Bill May, Adam Minnie, Jarvis Mishler, Kyle Neese, Lorne
Oliver, Aakin Patel, Jason Petrasko, Eric Provost, Tony Robertson, Christopher
Ruthenbeck, Shreyas Sampat, Anders Smith, Chris Stabb, Keyl Sunders, Jeff
Tillotson, Ryan Van de Kamp, Graham Walmsey, Sharon Young
Copyright 2011 Jeremy Keller. The Technoir logo is a trademark of Jeremy Keller.
All rights reserved. Published with permission by Cellar Games, LLC, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, USA.
Technology ........................................2
Environment .....................................2
The Raw Deal ....................................4
Materials ............................................5
GM Functions ...................................6
Stats ....................................................7
Dice ....................................................8
Transmissions ...................................9
Hard-Boiled Stories........................10
...In a High-Tech World .................12
Procedure ........................................14
Training Programs .........................34
Verbs ................................................36
Adjectives ........................................38
Connections ....................................39
Objects .............................................40
Tags ..................................................48
Using Transmissions ......................52
Plot Maps.........................................56
Adding Transmissions ...................64
Beyond Transmissions ...................66
Runtime ...........................................68
Motivating Factors .........................74
Connections ....................................78
Events ...............................................79
Locations .........................................81
Objects .............................................82
Threats .............................................83
Moving Towards Contention ........84
Actions and Adjectives ..................86
Rolling Dice ....................................92
Action Options .............................112
Vector .............................................120
Sequence ........................................126
Push Economy ..............................134
Playing the Opposition ................136
Lethal Consequences ...................138
Outcomes ......................................140
Initiation .....................................3
Restoration .............................141
Generation ................................13
Mending Adjectives and
Advancing Verbs ..........................142
Resetting Push Dice .....................148
Advancement Overview ..............150
Los Angeles Sprawl .................151
Singapore Sling .......................167
Kilimanjaro Ring....................183
Acknowledgements ................199
Thank You ...............................201
Index .......................................205
Composition .............................51
Instigation ................................67
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