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From their shrouded temples in deepest Ulgu,
the Daughters of Khaine launch assaults across
the Mortal Realms, relentlessly hunting the hated
worshippers of Chaos and any others who would
threaten their burgeoning shadow empire. They open
the throats and carve out the hearts of their victims
in the name of the God of Murder, reborn at last in
the form of the goddess Morathi-Khaine.
After countless centuries of plotting and strife, the
cunning sorceress Morathi has achieved her ultimate
desire: the power of a true deity. No longer Khaine’s
High Oracle, she claims to have absorbed the
lingering essence of the god himself. This revelation
has only furthered her already immense power,
and it has driven the Khainite cult into a frenzy of
conquest and sacrifice. Even those who once called
the Daughters of Khaine allies are not safe from
their reignited holy war.
Like a whirlwind of pale flesh and razor-keen
knives, these warrior aelves sweep across the land,
leaving carnage in their path. Cauldrons of Blood
are filled to the brim with the fresh gore of the slain
as crimson-smeared Hag Queens lead their flock in
frenzied worship of their bloody-handed mistress.
Once hidden away from the world, the misshapen
forms of Scáthborn warriors – bat-winged Khinerai
and slithering Melusai – are now let loose to indulge
their cruel lust for slaughter.
War calls, and the Daughters of Khaine answer!
ULGU BESIEGED.......................10
THE WAR COVENS...................22
Hagg Nar
Draichi Ganeth
The Kraith
Khelt Nar
Zainthar Kai
Queens and Cauldrons
Witch Aelves
Sisters of Slaughter........................33
Bloodwrack Sorceresses...............34
Melusai Ironscales
Battle Traits
Command Traits
Artefacts of Power
Spell Lores
Hagg Nar
Draichi Ganeth
The Kraith
Khelt Nar
Zainthar Kai
Ceremony of Blood.......................74
PATH TO GLORY.......................76
Daughters of Khaine
Warband Tables
War Coven of Morathi
Cauldron Guard
Agents of Shadow..........................38
Khinerai Harpies
Slaughter Troupe
Shadow Patrol
Vyperic Guard
Shrine Brood..................................83
The Shadow Queen
Bloodwrack Shrine
Bloodwrack Medusa
Melusai Ironscale
Morgwaeth the Bloodied.............89
The Blade-coven
Hag Queen
on Cauldron of Blood...................90
Hag Queen
Slaughter Queen
on Cauldron of Blood...................92
Slaughter Queen............................93
Witch Aelves
Sisters of Slaughter........................95
Khainite Shadowstalkers
Doomfire Warlocks
Avatar of Khaine
Blood Sisters
Blood Stalkers................................99
Khinerai Lifetakers.....................100
Khinerai Heartrenders...............101
Bloodwrack Viper
Heart of Fury
With thanks to The Faithful for their additional playtesting services.
Order Battletome: Daughters of Khaine © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2021. Order Battletome: Daughters of Khaine, GW, Games Workshop, Warhammer,
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ISBN: 978-1-83906-254-4
Games Workshop Ltd., Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS, United Kingdom
Filled with a bitter hatred of all who worship the Dark Gods, the monstrous entity known as the
Shadow Queen leads a war coven of Hagg Nar in pursuit of holy slaughter.
They crave battle and seek power through bloodshed, honouring their deity with every kill. Even their closest
allies shudder to witness the gory rituals that renew and reinvigorate these graceful murderers. They are the
Daughters of Khaine, and to cross blades with them is to invite death.
The Daughters of Khaine move
with quicksilver speed, carving into
enemies like a whirlwind of steel. As
blades flash, the she-aelves shed their
visage of cold and distant beauty,
their ecstatic faces alight with each
fresh kill. To them, the clash of arms
is the height of their religion – holy
rites practised and perfected with
all the considerable skill and grace
of aelfkind. As blood is spilled,
shrill dedications to Khaine ring
out, and with each gore-splattered
offering, the Daughters rapturously
grow in power and fury. In their
frenzy, Khaine’s worshippers are
closest to their divinity, invigorated
by his iron-hearted spirit and
insatiable bloodlust.
True to their merciless god, the
Daughters of Khaine continue the
slaughter until every last foe has
fallen. Khaine, the ancient aelven
god of battle and bloodshed, was said
to have been destroyed by the Chaos
Gods – a claim vehemently denied by
the matriarchal cult. Indeed, to speak
such heresy is a crime punishable by
death – a sentence that the militant
order prosecutes with extreme zeal.
Devotees of Khaine are amongst the
most ferocious warriors in all the
realms. Echoing the single-minded
focus of their god, they have devoted
their entire existence to the mastery
of battle, serving the Bloody-Handed
One in the only fitting fashion: by
offering a mighty tribute of blood
and slaughtered foes. For these fierce
souls, there is no satisfaction beyond
the thrill of feeling their blades slice
through flesh and bone.
The highly matriarchal Khainite
society is entirely structured around
the twin pillars of war and worship.
Females dedicate themselves to
combat training and the observance
of gruesome religious rites, while
a caste of male serfs known as
leathanam carry out such tasks as
their masters deem to be beneath
them, freeing the Daughters of
Khaine to concentrate on more
worthy goals. A life of ceaseless
gladiatorial combat and battle hones
the natural grace of the aelves to
near supernatural levels, ensuring
that even the lowest-ranking Witch
Aelf possesses formidable martial
prowess and the boldness of one to
whom bloody combat is as natural
as breathing.
Most feared of all Khainites are the
Scáthborn, half-aelven creatures
fashioned from dark sorcery with
the bodies of serpents or winged
nightmares. These cold-blooded
killers rarely stray outside the
confines of their hidden lairs,
emerging only when war calls. In
such times, they join the Khainite
hosts as elite soldiers, displaying not
a hint of mercy as they lay waste to
their prey.
Khaine’s bloodthirsty nature. The
blademasters of Draichi Ganeth
worship Khaine as the executioner
and seek to honour him through
mastery of the killing blow, while
the nomadic Khailebron revere
his aspect as the unseen assassin
striking from the shadows.
The Daughters of Khaine are a
mysterious order, hated by their foes
and misunderstood and often feared
by their allies. However, none who
have fought beside them would ever
deny that they were staunch enemies
of Chaos. When Alarielle, Everqueen
of the Sylvaneth, called for aid to
reclaim her realm of Ghyran from
the diseased grip of Nurgle’s plague
legions, none answered the call to
battle with more zeal than did the
Khainite cult.
It is not the corrupted alone who
feel the Daughters’ wrath, for
countless foes and monsters have
fallen before their blades. When the
orruks of Grokhold threatened the
newly raised city of Kurnothea, it
was the Daughters of Khaine who
stood shoulder to shoulder with the
Stormcast Eternals to safeguard the
burgeoning civilisation.
Yet despite their undoubted heroics,
the Daughters have won little trust.
Claims of extreme savagery and
allegations of gruesome rituals and
snake-bodied mutants give pause to
even their most ardent supporters.
Indeed, even those who have long
held a profitable and secure alliance
with Hagg Nar now look upon the
Khainite sects with deep suspicion.
Rumours abound of bloody coups
and uprisings in distant lands, and
those who raise the ire of the zealous
aelves have a habit of meeting a
violent end.
During the Age of Myth, aelves
of any kind were difficult to find;
however, hidden within the shadowy
realm of Ulgu, the Daughters of
Khaine flourished. With Sigmar’s
re-opening of Azyr, the growing cult
spread still further. The Daughters
have built shrines to Khaine in
nearly all of the great settlements
founded since the coming of the Age
of Sigmar, although each of the rival
sects names the seminal temple-city
of Hagg Nar as the capital of their
violent creed.
Yet the Daughters of Khaine are
not content with these impressive
holdings; they seek to spread the
influence of their warlike god to all
corners of the realms. As their battle
pilgrimages range into enemy lands
and throngs of zealous worshippers
seek to subvert the governance of
their supposed allies, the power of
the Khainites continues to surge.
The faith itself has diverged into
several powerful sects, each of
which venerates a different aspect of
A single being stands behind the
unlikely revitalisation of a fallen
people and the promulgation of
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