9.1 AWS-EBS-Summary-Only.pdf.pdf

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Copyrights of Hello Cloud Certs
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AWS EBS : Exam Focus Notes
Version 1.0
EBS Summary —
EBS provides a block storage for EC2 instances.
EBS backed EC2 instances boot off of these volumes.
EBS is a persistent storage.
EBS boot volume is deleted upon EC2 instance termination by default.
default can be
changed by unchecking or setting the value to false for the DeleteOnTermination attribute.
EBS can be mounted by only one EC2 instance at a time, unlike EFS; which can be
mounted by multiple EC2 instances at the same time.
EBS is offered in four volume types: general SSD, provisioned IOPS, throughput optimized,
or cold magnetic HDD.
io1 for > 15k IOPS requirement.
General SSD (gp2) most commonly used.
Snapshots provide incremental backup.
EBS Volumes can be encrypted. Once encrypted, the encryption cannot be removed.
Snapshots created from these encrypted EBS volumes are also encrypted.
Root EBS volume snapshots can be used to create machine image (AMI); which in turn can
be used to create instances.
Unattached EBS volumes should be stored as snapshots to save substantial cost. If needed in
the future, an EBS volume can be created from these snapshots if it needs to be mounted to
an EC2 instance.
(if any) —
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