SUPLEMENT - Ultramarines.pdf

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Introduction ..................................................3
An Army of Heroes......................................48
For the Honour of Macragge .......................................................59
The Primarch’s Chosen .................................................................60
The First Among Equals................................6
The Realm of Ultramar ...................................................................8
Chapter Organisation ...................................................................10
The 1st Company ........................................................................12
The 2nd Company ......................................................................13
The 3rd Company .......................................................................14
The 4th Company .......................................................................15
The 5th Company .......................................................................16
The 6th Company .......................................................................17
The 7th Company .......................................................................18
The 8th Company .......................................................................19
The 9th Company .......................................................................20
The 10th Company .....................................................................21
Chapter Command.....................................................................22
Armoury ......................................................................................23
Successor Chapters .....................................................................24
Annals of the Ultramarines..........................................................26
The Age of Darkness...................................................................28
The First Tyrannic War ..............................................................30
Rise of the Primarch...................................................................32
The Era Indomitus ......................................................................34
Chronicles of the Ultramarines ................................................36
Roboute Guilliman........................................................................38
Marneus Calgar .............................................................................39
Honour Guard ...............................................................................40
Chief Librarian Tigurius...............................................................42
Chaplain Cassius ...........................................................................43
Captain Sicarius .............................................................................44
Sergeant Telion...............................................................................45
Sergeant Chronus ..........................................................................46
Tyrannic War Veterans .................................................................47
Defenders of Macragge................................62
Roboute Guilliman........................................................................63
Marneus Calgar .............................................................................64
Victrix Honour Guard ..................................................................64
Chief Librarian Tigurius...............................................................65
Chaplain Cassius ...........................................................................65
Captain Sicarius .............................................................................66
Sergeant Telion...............................................................................66
Sergeant Chronus ..........................................................................67
Chapter Ancient ............................................................................68
Chapter Champion........................................................................68
Honour Guard ...............................................................................69
Tyrannic War Veterans .................................................................69
Courage and Honour ..................................72
Warlord Traits ................................................................................73
Relics of Macragge.........................................................................74
Special-issue Wargear ...................................................................75
Stratagems ......................................................................................76
Indomitus Discipline.....................................................................78
Tactical Objectives.........................................................................79
Ultramarines Name Generator ...................80
With thanks to the Mournival and the Infinity Circuit for their additional playtesting services
Codex Supplement: Ultramarines
Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2019. Codex Supplement: Ultramarines, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000,
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ISBN: 978-1-78826-538-6
Games Workshop Ltd, Willow Rd, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS
Greetings, scion of noble Ultramar. Honour finds you this day, for in your hands you hold the definitive text detailing the
victories, the strengths and the martial disposition of the Ultramarines themselves. Within lies everything you need to gather
your own Ultramarines strike force and march to war in the name of the Emperor and the Primarch reborn!
The Ultramarines are the exemplars of everything it means to
be Adeptus Astartes. Noble, honourable and utterly dedicated
to the defence of Humanity and the Emperor’s realm, these
post-human warriors fight not only for victory, but for a future
for the human race. Led by their awakened Primarch, Roboute
Guilliman himself, the sons of Ultramar obey the tenets of the
Codex Astartes; they are the masters of grand strategy and flexible
battlefield tactics, wielding the weapons of war with consummate
skill and following adaptive and expertly laid battle plans that see
their enemies outmanoeuvred and annihilated in short order. Bolt
rifles thundering, chainswords howling, the Ultramarines purge
the traitors, aliens and heretics that would threaten the Emperor’s
realm wherever they are found.
Of all the Space Marine Chapters, the Ultramarines are widely
regarded as the most strategically balanced. They present exciting
challenges for collectors, painters and gamers alike, with an
exceptional range of highly detailed centrepiece special characters
to choose from and a carefully detailed system of heraldry and
markings that are easy to replicate to a high standard on your own
miniatures. The Ultramarines Chapter has also sired countless
successors with their own heraldry, traditions and ways of war; this
book offers numerous examples of these Chapters and provides
guidance and inspiration should you wish to take to the gaming
table with an army of Ultramarines successors at your command.
Whatever you choose to do, this codex supplement is a valuable
resource to guide and to organise your collection.
The information within this book, alongside that found in
Space Marines,
provides all you need to collect an Ultramarines
army and field it upon the tabletop.
THE FIRST AMONG EQUALS: Here you will find the histories
and background of the Ultramarines, including an examination of
the Chapter’s military campaigns and its stellar empire of Ultramar.
AN ARMY OF HEROES: Here you will find a showcase of
beautifully painted Citadel Miniatures that display the magnificent
Codex-sanctioned heraldry of the Ultramarines and their successor
Chapters, as well as example armies to inspire your own collection.
DEFENDERS OF MACRAGGE: This section contains datasheets
and points values for the unique units available to the Ultramarines.
COURAGE AND HONOUR: This section provides additional
rules for armies drawn from the Ultramarines and their successor
Chapters – Warlord Traits, Stratagems, Relics, psychic powers and
Tactical Objectives – that allow you to transform your collection of
Citadel Miniatures into a noble army on the tabletop.
To play games with your army, you will need a copy of the
Warhammer 40,000 rules and
Codex: Space Marines.
To find out
more about Warhammer 40,000 or download the free core rules,
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