SUPLEMENT - Raven Guard.pdf

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As the Shadow Wills
Chapter Organisation
The 1st Company
The 2nd Company
The 3rd Company
The 4th Company
The 5th Company
The 6th Company
The 7th Company
The 8th Company
The 9th Company
The 10th Company
Chapter Command.....................................................................22
Rise of the Raven Guard
Massacre at Isstvan V
The Liberation of Quintus
War Zone Damocles...................................................................30
The Fall of Prefectia
Annals Steeped in Shadow
Kayvaan Shrike
The Raven’s Panoply
Companies of Shadow
Strike Force Shrike
Master of Shadows.......................................52
Kayvaan Shrike
The Sons of Corax........................................56
Warlord Traits
Relics of the Ravenspire
Special-issue Wargear
Umbramancy Discipline...............................................................62
Tactical Objectives.........................................................................63
Raven Guard Name Generator....................64
With thanks to the Mournival and the Infinity Circuit for their additional playtesting services
Codex Supplement: Raven Guard © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2019. Codex Supplement: Raven Guard, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, the
‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either
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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
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This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.
British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Pictures used for illustrative purposes only.
Certain Citadel products may be dangerous if used incorrectly and Games Workshop does not recommend them for use by children under the age of 16 without adult supervision. Whatever your
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ISBN: 978-1-78826-542-3
Games Workshop Ltd, Willow Rd, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS
Welcome, adept of shadow. In your hands you hold the key to many mysteries of the Raven Guard, sons of Corax the Liberator.
Steep yourself in this knowledge. Become one with the abiding shadow and learn of the many pathways to victory known to
the warriors of Deliverance. Only then will you truly have earned the right to take your place amongst the Chapter’s heroes.
The Raven Guard are masters of the shadow-arts. Striking from
concealment, they wreak bloody destruction on the foe before
withdrawing to ready another, devastating blow. Commanded
by Emperor and Primarch to safeguard Mankind against the
perils of a pitiless galaxy, they roam the stars unseen, bringing
woe to heretics and oppressors and laying low myriad xenos
threats. Where the Raven Guard tread, every shadow conceals
the promise of death; a fate borne on the blazing pinions of
jump packs and delivered by darkened blades, roaring bolt rifles
and the crackling arc of lightning claws. For the enemies of
the Imperium there can be no escape, no refuge. There is only
death, delivered from the darkness by warriors who see all, and
forgive nothing.
Raven Guard armies seize victory through stealth and speed,
advancing covertly to strike at the foe’s most vulnerable points
with the full array of weapons and wargear available to the
Adeptus Astartes. Whether you choose to raise a Raven Guard
force or shape your collection around a known successor Chapter
or one of your own devising, this book contains a wealth of
information to aid collectors, painters and gamers alike. Guides
to battlefield markings and insignia will help you create a striking
and cohesive collection of Citadel Miniatures, with a showcase
of painted examples providing a rich source of inspiration.
Wherever the shrouded path takes you, the following pages will
supply you with everything you will need to bind the shadows to
your will and honour the legacy of Corax.
The information within this book, alongside that found in
Space Marines,
provides all you need to collect a Raven Guard
army and field it upon the tabletop.
AS THE SHADOW WILLS: Here you will discover the
organisation and turbulent history of the Raven Guard, including
some of their greatest battles and most notable heroes.
THE RAVEN’S PANOPLY: Here you will find a showcase of
beautifully painted Citadel Miniatures that display the heraldry
and company markings of the Raven Guard and their successor
Chapters, as well as example armies to inspire your own collection.
MASTER OF SHADOWS: This section includes the datasheet and
points value for Kayvaan Shrike.
THE SONS OF CORAX: This section provides additional rules for
armies drawn from the Raven Guard and their successor Chapters
– Warlord Traits, Stratagems, Relics, psychic powers and Tactical
Objectives – that allow you to transform your collection of Citadel
Miniatures into a potent Raven Guard army.
To play games with your army, you will need a copy of the
Warhammer 40,000 rules and
Codex: Space Marines.
To find out
more about Warhammer 40,000 or download the free core rules,
Bursting from the shadows to unleash the full fury of their martial might, the Raven
Guard strike like a blade into the heart of the Death Guard position.
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