Giants and Toys.txt

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00:00:27:GIANTS & TOYS
00:00:34:Executive Producer|Hidemasa Nagata
00:00:37:original Story by Ken Kaiko|Screenplay by Ishio Shirasaka
00:00:41:Photography by Hiroshi Murai|Recording by Toshikazu Watanabe
00:00:45:Lighting by Isamu Yoneyama|Art by Tomoo Shimogawara
00:00:49:Music by Tetsuo Tsukahara|Editing by Tatsuji Chujo
00:00:54:Hiroshi Kawaguchi|Hitomi Nozoe
00:00:56:Hideo Takamatsu|Michiko ono
00:00:58:Yunosuke Ito|Kyu Sazanka
00:01:14:Directed by Yasuzo Masumura
00:02:03:Look at that crowd!|A human flood!
00:02:08:The more chocolate and caramel|they eat, the more we prosper.
00:02:12:To me, they look like caramels.
00:02:15:Here's the balance sheet.
00:02:17:I know. The figures show our|sales records are getting worse.
00:02:23:And we're to blame.
00:02:26:We were over optimistic|and lazy to boot.
00:02:30:You're responsible.
00:02:32:You made no eye-catching|publicity campaigns.
00:02:36:Sorry I'm late.
00:02:37:But we did what we could.
00:02:40:People like caramels.|They'll keep buying them forever.
00:02:45:But others make candy, too.
00:02:48:Both Apollo and Giant Caramel do.
00:02:51:Apollo's new line has several|flavors in one.
00:02:56:The taste changes|as you eat them.
00:02:59:We can't just sit back and wait.
00:03:03:It's time, sir.
00:03:05:Excuse me.
00:03:07:Sign these.
00:03:13:Upset stomach?
00:03:16:It's my age. It began when|our sales started declining.
00:03:23:There's no connection.
00:03:25:The market's wide open!|Right?
00:04:20:our caramel sales are still good.
00:04:23:But, the more the better.
00:04:26:All three makers|will have sales campaigns.
00:04:29:We must beat the competition.
00:04:32:Especially Apollo's triple-flavor line.
00:04:34:The way to publicize this|is through some sort of contest.
00:04:40:I want some ideas about prizes|for tomorrow's meeting.
00:04:51:New Japan Ad Agency?|World Confectionery here.
00:04:55:our neon sign at Shinagawa|is busted.
00:04:59:The W and R in "WoRLD" are out.
00:05:02:The wiring is defective!|It reads "oLD."
00:05:06:But we're not old, are we?
00:05:09:The public prefer those American|candies to our caramels.
00:05:14:They make progress,|and we lag behind.
00:05:17:What's the boss thinking?
00:05:19:He's totally hysterical.
00:05:21:The directors, too.|They're all his relatives, anyway.
00:05:26:If you aren't a relative,|you'll never get on.
00:05:30:Why haven't they fired our manager?
00:05:33:He's a relative.
00:05:35:No caramels for his weak stomach.
00:05:38:He's a protected man.
00:05:40:He's only 38 but he's on the|fast track. Do you know why?
00:05:45:Simple. He went and married|the manager's daughter.
00:05:53:This comic gives good ad results.
00:05:57:Radio Car Monthly, too.
00:05:59:This month's spread.
00:06:01:You played football?
00:06:03:-Yes, a forward.|-I played half-back.
00:06:06:Let's go have tea.
00:06:09:He's only been here a week.
00:06:12:I should've played football.
00:06:16:Any idea about prizes?|8mm film projectors are old hat.
00:06:20:Something new.|A totally new concept.
00:06:25:Prizes? overseas they never|resort to that old trick.
00:06:29:When it comes to caramels...
00:06:31:Hands up!
00:06:32:Made in the USA.|Very well made.
00:06:37:-Good morning.|-Morning.
00:06:44:But we're living in Japan.
00:06:47:Here, it's a desperate fight|just to survive.
00:06:51:our rivals constantly have us|in their sights.
00:06:56:The one who sells more caramels survives.
00:07:01:You like girls?
00:07:03:Yes, I do.
00:07:04:How about her?
00:07:18:She looks like a monkey.
00:07:20:-Bring her here.|-Now?
00:07:21:Hurry it up!
00:07:31:-How about tea?|-No, thanks.
00:07:34:It won't take long.
00:07:35:Five minutes.
00:07:36:I said no!
00:07:38:-I'm not a weirdo.|-Police!
00:08:02:Really?|She had a nose job?
00:08:05:And her eyelids, too.
00:08:07:Her entire face has been remodeled.
00:08:11:That's terrible!
00:08:13:-Disappointed?|-I won't watch her movies.
00:08:15:Severe! What'll you have?
00:08:17:-Lemonade.|-Lemon squash is better.
00:08:20:I'll send you some movie tickets.|Your address?
00:08:24:Fukagawa.|I'll write it down.
00:08:28:Not to my home.|My brother will steal them.
00:08:31:okay.|Bring a box of chocolates.
00:08:34:Next to movies, I like cars.|I work at a taxi company.
00:08:39:Phone number, too.
00:08:41:They're going bankrupt.|No hope of a raise.
00:08:44:only seven cabs,|and they work us like slaves.
00:08:48:-I do mainly skip-work.|-Skip-work
00:08:51:Yeah, I skip work.
00:08:54:Very masculine handwriting.
00:08:57:All taxi drivers are lewd.|I ignore them.
00:09:01:There was one nice guy,|but he quit.
00:09:04:He looks just like him,|even walks like him.
00:09:08:Like who?
00:09:10:It's a secret.
00:09:11:It certainly is.|A present for you.
00:09:14:Thanks.|I'd better get going.
00:09:17:Don't forget the tickets.
00:09:19:I keep my word.
00:09:20:I'll be waiting.
00:09:22:Her teeth are rotten!
00:09:24:Vivacious eyes and a long tongue.
00:09:26:You were quick.
00:09:28:After she turned you down,|I said you loved her.
00:09:31:She stuck her tongue out|and came along.
00:09:35:I really blew it!
00:09:36:Let's give her a camera test.
00:10:00:Let's go and get drunk!
00:10:23:-You enjoy your work|-No.
00:10:26:They're acting like fools.
00:10:28:Why did we like it here as students?
00:10:32:No demands on us.
00:10:34:How's Giant Caramel going?
00:10:37:Preparing a new campaign.
00:10:39:-The prize?|-Live animals.
00:10:41:Squirrels, hamsters, little monkeys.
00:10:43:-You guys decided?|-Not yet.
00:10:46:-Campaign girl?|-Not yet.
00:10:49:Too slow.
00:10:50:We're careful.|We aim to win.
00:10:53:It's war between Giant,|World and Apollo.
00:10:58:What's the matter?
00:10:00:You're not just holding out on me?
00:11:03:Me? Why should I?
00:11:05:We're old friends, sure,|but we're also rivals.
00:11:09:And both in charge of publicity.
00:11:17:I'm sorry.|Forgive me.
00:11:20:Come on. We're adults now.|Let's go somewhere more adult.
00:11:26:I don't like this,|doubting each other.
00:11:29:Sure, okay. But if...
00:11:34:Betray me, and I'll fight.
00:11:52:All drinks are free.
00:11:54:Giant pays the bill.
00:11:56:Your chief often comes here.
00:11:59:Mr. Goda? I respect him.|I hope to be as great as him.
00:12:04:Good evening.
00:12:06:This is Masami Kurahashi,|from Apollo.
00:12:10:I'm Nishi, from World.
00:12:13:-Publicity Dept?|-Yes, I'm new.
00:12:16:Can you hack it?|You don't look tough.
00:12:22:Buy a good idea?
00:12:24:-For sale?|-A bargain for you.
00:12:26:Sell it to World.
00:12:28:Let's not talk shop.
00:12:30:-Why not?|-It's our free time.
00:12:32:In Japan, we're always working.
00:12:35:-You're tough.|-You're too soft.
00:12:38:Is that a challenge?
00:12:39:-The kid's a player.|-Don't insult me.
00:12:42:It's those soft eyes.
00:12:45:What's your idea?|I'll buy it.
00:12:47:-How much?|-It depends.
00:12:49:Space suits.
00:12:51:The kids will love it!
00:12:54:Free of charge. My gift.
00:12:57:To Apollo!
00:12:58:-To Giant!|-To World!
00:13:06:Space suits?|That is a good idea.
00:13:11:I can't reveal what Giant|are planning...
00:13:13:...but space suits are much better.
00:13:16:They're doing live animals.
00:13:18:So you knew?
00:13:20:They're waiting.
00:13:22:No information about Apollo yet.
00:13:25:It's unusual. I'm worried.
00:13:28:I'll find out.|I'll devote myself to it.
00:13:32:Give it your best.
00:13:35:Chief, do I really have soft eyes?
00:13:39:Tranquil's the word.
00:13:41:By coincidence, I thought|of space suits 3 months ago.
00:14:01:Anyway, we want conclusions!
00:14:04:Show me the pamphlet.
00:14:06:How about the Wild West,|with guns as prizes?
00:14:09:Mothers will complain!
00:14:11:The police won't allow it.
00:14:12:Baseball uniforms are best.
00:14:16:Speak up, man!
00:14:18:Fishing rods?
00:14:20:Not for kids.|But I like fishing for women.
00:14:24:It's your responsibility!
00:14:26:Gentlemen, let's hear what|Mr. Goda has to say.
00:14:33:-Your medicine.|-The filial son-in-law.
00:14:36:Is it your bowels?
00:14:38:No, the stomach.
00:14:41:Prizes like baseball uniforms,|microscopes... gear, guns and women.|They all lack appeal.
00:14:50:None of them can outshine|Apollo's new line of caramels.
00:14:55:Get to the point.|Hurry up.
00:14:58:I've been looking into|what interests children.
00:15:03:I've examined TV, radio, movies,|the press and magazines.
00:15:10:A clear answer has emerged.|Science! Space!
00:15:15:-Satellites!|-New worlds!
00:15:22:Prizes can be space suits|and ray guns.
00:15:25:old hat to Americans,|but new to Japanese children.
00:15:30:It's a fresh idea.
00:15:32:A newspaper is going to hold|a Space Expo, targeted at kids.
00:15:39:If we can make a tie-in,|we'll cut our costs.
00:15:43:We can place space and|science stories in the press.
00:15:47:That'll go down well|with the PTAs.
00:15:50:I think the idea is sound,|fresh and unique.
00:15:54:What's this material?
00:15:55:Plastic. I have cost estimates.
00:15:58:It's brilliant!
00:15:59:-Yes, but...|-You disagree?
00:16:04:American kids may like it,|but will Japanese?
00:16:08:You're out-of-date.
00:16:10:America is Japan.
00:16:13:Maybe so, but...
00:16:15:our company is 40 years old.
00:16:18:As the name indicates,|the world's our market.
00:16:21:We've tried to lead the young.|But not any more.
00:16:26:You can't link caramel to space.
00:16:31:Shall we vote?
00:16:32:I'm with space.
00:16:35:The boss will go for it.
00:16:37:Now we have to find a model|for the posters.
00:16:41:Goda has some good l...
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