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MKSoft DiskSpeed 4.2  Copyright © 1989-92 MKSoft Development
CPU: 68040  AmigaOS Version: 40.68  Normal Video DMA
Device:  SCSI-Test-4096:    Buffers: 64
Comments: Warp-Engine SCSI - 4096B blockstorlek

CPU Speed Rating: 4033

Testing directory manipulation speed.
File Create:          155 files/sec  |  CPU Available: 3%
File Open:            202 files/sec  |  CPU Available: 8%
Directory Scan:       361 files/sec  |  CPU Available: 12%
File Delete:          307 files/sec  |  CPU Available: 9%

Seek/Read:           1715 seeks/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 512 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:       643136 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 9%
Write to file:     450966 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 21%
Read from file:    697664 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 7%

Testing with a 4096 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:      1503232 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 16%
Write to file:    1668608 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 18%
Read from file:   1592320 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 17%

Testing with a 32768 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:      4898816 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 51%
Write to file:    6049792 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 60%
Read from file:   5320704 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 63%

Testing with a 262144 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:      6848512 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 71%
Write to file:    9207808 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 89%
Read from file:   7995392 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 90%

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