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Tableau Desktop Certified
Associate: Exam Guide
Develop your Tableau skills and prepare for Tableau
certification with tips from industry experts
Dmitry Anoshin
JC Gillet
Fabian Peri
Radhika Biyani
Gleb Makarenko
Tableau Desktop Certified Associate: Exam
2019 Packt Publishing
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First published: December 2019
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ISBN 978-1-83898-413-7
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About the authors
Dmitry Anoshin
is an expert in analytics with 10 years of experience. He started using
Tableau as a primary BI tool in 2011 as a BI consultant at Teradata. He is certified in both
Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server. He leads probably the biggest Tableau user
community, with more than 2,000 active users. This community has two to three Tableau
talks every month led by top Tableau experts, Tableau Zen Masters, Viz Champions, and
more. In addition, Dmitry has previously written three books with Packt and reviewed
more than seven books. Finally, he is an active speaker at data conferences and helps
people to adopt cloud analytics.
Jean-Charles (JC) Gillet
is a seasoned business analyst with over 7 years of experience with
SQL at both a large-scale multinational company in the United Kingdom and a smaller firm
in the United States, and 5 years of Tableau experience. He has been holding Tableau and
SQL office hours for multiple years to share his expertise with his colleagues, as well as
delivering SQL training. A French national, JC holds a master's degree in executive
engineering from Mines ParisTech and is a Tableau Desktop Certified Associate.
In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter (to whom he dedicates
his work on this book), and playing team handball, having competed in national
Fabian Peri's
interest in decision analysis started after joining his first fantasy basketball
league in 2006. His love for data analysis led him to pursue an MBA in information systems
at the University of Tulsa, and then an MS in predictive analytics from Northwestern
University. Since graduating, he has primarily worked in risk analysis and management for
companies such as Amazon, GE Capital, and Wells Fargo. He is currently focused on using
visualization to explore and interpret vast quantities of data.
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