2014 Rebecca Moore Howard - Writing Matters - A Handbook for Writing and Research[2ndED].pdf

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Syracuse University
Published by McGraw-Hill, a business unit of he McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York,
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Howard, Rebecca Moore.
Writing matters : a handbook for writing and research / Rebecca Moore Howard, Syracuse University.—Second edition.
pages cm
Includes index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-340595-7—ISBN-10: 0-07-340595-7 (Hard Copy)
1. English language-Rhetoric. 2. Report writing. I. Title.
PE1408.H685247 2013
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Writing Matters
is dedicated
to the memory of my sister, Sandy
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Dear Colleagues:
hank you for taking the time to consider
Writing Matters!
I started this project as a way of giving back to the composition
community and helping students with their development as
writers. Working on this handbook has also been a source
of my own development: My life and teaching have been
immeasurably enriched by the students and instructors I
have met during my travels to discuss
Writing Matters
and my
responsibilities-focused approach to writing.
While developing on the second edition of
Writing Matters,
I have also been working on the Citation Project, a nationwide
study of the researched writing of 174 students for their
composition classes. Some of the results of that research are
available on the Citation Project website:
here you will see a variety of signs that students may not be
reading their sources carefully and completely and that their
research projects sufer accordingly. his edition includes newly
developed materials that teach concrete skills, such as marking where the source material ends
and the writer’s own voice begins. On a larger scale, these materials encourage students to invest
themselves in their writing.
Rebecca Moore Howard
is Professor of Writing
and Rhetoric at Syracuse
University. Her recent work on
the Citation Project is part of
a collaborative endeavor to
study how students really use
Writing Matters,
I draw on three decades’ worth of teaching, writing, and research—as well as
on my recent travels—to focus sustained attention on
writers’ responsibilities to other writers,
to their readers, to their topics,
and most especially,
to themselves.
he result is a teaching
and learning framework that unites research, rhetoric, documentation, grammar, and style into a
cohesive whole, helping students to ind consistency in rules that might otherwise confound them.
Students experience responsible writing not only by citing the work of other writers accurately but
also by treating those writers’ ideas fairly. hey practice responsible writing by providing reliable
information about a topic at a depth that does the topic justice. Most importantly, they embrace
responsible writing by taking their writing seriously and approaching writing assignments as
opportunities to learn about new topics and to expand their scope as writers.
Students are more likely to write well when they think of themselves as writers rather than as
error-makers. By explaining rules in the context of responsibility, I address composition students
respectfully as mature and capable fellow participants in the research and writing process.
Rebecca Moore Howard
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