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The Reign of Edward II
New Perspectives
Gwilym Dodd, Anthony Musson
The Reign of Edward II:
New Perspectives
Edward II presided over a turbulent and politically charged period of
English history, but to date he has been relatively neglected in com-
parison to other fourteenth and fifteenth-century kings. This book offers
a significant re-appraisal of a much maligned monarch and his historical
importance, making use of the latest empirical research and revisionist
theories, and concentrating on people and personalities, perceptions and
expectations, rather than dry constitutional analysis. Papers consider
both the institutional and the personal facets of Edward II’s life and rule:
his sexual reputation, the royal court, the role of the king’s household
knights, the nature of law and parliament in the reign, and England’s
relations with Ireland and Europe.
York Medieval Press is published by the University of York’s Centre for Medieval
Studies in association with Boydell & Brewer Limited. Our objective is the promo-
tion of innovative scholarship and fresh criticism on medieval culture. We have a
special commitment to interdisciplinary study, in line with the Centre’s belief that
the future of Medieval Studies lies in those areas in which its major constituent
disciplines at once inform and challenge each other.
Editorial Board (2005–2008):
Professor J. G. Wogan-Browne (Dept of English and Related Literature)
Dr T. Ayers (Dept of History of Art)
Professor P. P. A. Biller (Dept of History)
Dr J. W. Binns (Emeritus, Dept of English and Related Literature)
Dr Gabriella Corona (Dept of English and Related Literature)
Professor W. M. Ormrod (Chair, Dept of History)
Professor J. D. Richards (Dept of Archaeology)
All enquiries of an editorial kind, including suggestions for monographs and
essay collections, should be addressed to: The Director, University of York,
Centre for Medieval Studies, The King’s Manor, York, YO1 7EP (E-mail:
Publications of York Medieval Press are listed at the back of this volume.
The Reign of Edward II:
New Perspectives
Edited by
Gwilym Dodd and Anthony Musson
© Editors and Contributors 2006
All Rights Reserved.
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no part of this work may be photocopied, stored in a retrieval system,
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without the prior permission of the copyright owner
First published 2006
A York Medieval Press publication
in association with The Boydell Press
an imprint of Boydell & Brewer Ltd
PO Box 9 Woodbridge Suffolk IP12 3DF UK
and of Boydell & Brewer Inc.
668 Mt Hope Avenue Rochester NY 14620–2731 USA
website: www.boydellandbrewer.co.uk
and with the
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York
ISBN 1 903153 19 0
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available
from the British Library
Typeset by Pru Harrison, Hacheston, Suffolk
Printed in Great Britain by
Antony Rowe Ltd, Chippenham, Wiltshire
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