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Julia High Performance
Design and develop high performing programs
with Julia
Avik Sengupta
Julia High Performance
Copyright © 2016 Packt Publishing
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First published: April 2016
Production reference: 1220416
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
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35 Livery Street
Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-78588-091-9
Avik Sengupta
Commissioning Editor
Priya Singh
Acquisition Editor
Reshma Raman
Content Development Editor
Onkar Wani
Technical Editor
Kunal Chaudhari
Copy Editor
Shruti Iyer
Project Coordinator
Bijal Patel
Safis Editing
Rekha Nair
Jason Monteiro
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Manu Joseph
Cover Work
Manu Joseph
About the Author
Avik Sengupta
has worked on risk and trading systems in investment banking
for many years, mostly using Java interspersed with snippets of the exotic R and K
languages. This experience left him wondering whether there were better things out
there. Avik's quest came to a happy conclusion with the appearance of Julia in 2012.
He has been happily coding in Julia and contributing to it ever since.
This book was only possible because four intrepid computer scientists
decided they wanted a better language six years ago. So, I would like
to thank Alan, Jeff, Stefan, and Viral for giving Julia to the world.
The world of scientific computing has changed drastically as a result.
Working in Julia over the last three years has been one of the most
enjoyable experiences in my professional career. A large part of this
joy is due to the people who inhabit this community. It is a collection
of smart and engaged scientists and developers who have taught me
far more than programming languages. A big "thank you" goes to
the entire Julia community, which is responsible for all the buzz that
Julia has received.
Many thanks are due to the reviewers who generously provided
their time to improve this book. While all the deficiencies remain
my own, this is now a much better product thanks to their efforts.
Writing a book turned out to need many more late nights than
I would have thought necessary. So, I would like to give a big
shout-out to Vaishali and Ahan for keeping me sane and well-fed
during this process.
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