Fabric to Dye For - Frieda Anderson.pdf

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to dye for
Colors for Your Stash
Fused Quilt Projects
Frieda Anderson
Text copyright © 2010 by Frieda Anderson
Artwork copyright © 2010 by C&T Publishing, Inc.
Publisher: Amy Marson
Creative Director: Gailen Runge
Acquisitions Editor:
Susanne Woods
Editor: Cynthia Bix
Technical Editor: Carolyn Aune
Wordfirm Inc.
Cover/Book Designer:
Kristy K. Zacharias
Page Layout Artist:
Kerry Graham
Production Coordinator:
Kirstie L. Pettersen
Production Editor: Julia Cianci
Illustrator: Aliza Shalit
Photography by Christina Carty-
Francis and Diane Pedersen of
C&T Publishing, Inc., unless
otherwise noted
Published by C&T Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 1456, Lafayette,
CA 94549
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are retained by the artists as noted in
Fabric To Dye For.
These designs
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carry a conspicuous label with the following information: Designs
copyright © 2010 by Frieda Anderson from the book
Fabric To Dye For
from C&T Publishing, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Anderson, Frieda L.
Create 72 hand-dyed colors for your stash : 5 fused quilt projects / by
Frieda Anderson.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-1-57120-823-1 (soft cover)
1. Dyes and dyeing. 2. Color in textile crafts. 3. Quilting. I. Title. II.
Title: Create seventy two hand-dyed colors for your stash.
TT853.A53 2010
Printed in China
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Getting Started
All about dyes & fabrics • Simple equipment
Workspace setup • What to wear
Preparing Your Dye & Fabric 11
Pretreating fabric • Mixing & measuring
The color wheel
Dyeing the Basic Gradations
Understanding gradations • At-a-glance dye chart
Dyeing a rainbow of colors
Dyeing More Gradations
Dyeing complementary colors
Color families & tints
Dyeing Fabric Flat
Making dye “platters” • Drip dyeing • Dye painting
Special effects
Washing & Drying Your Fabric 30
About detergents • Setting the dye
Finished fabric • Quick cleanup
Gallery 33
Flower quilts • Tree quilts • Artist & friends gallery
Fusing & Finishing Basics 40
Easy fabric fusing • Layering, quilting & binding
A special quilt sleeve
Daily Walk 61
Autumnal Trees 66
Amish Leaves 73
Resources 79
About the Author 80
I love to quilt, and I love to dye fabric, but if my family
were not supportive of what I do, I would never be able
to do these things. So I wish to thank my husband,
Brett, for being so supportive of my artistic endeavors.
He gives me space not only literally, but also figu-
ratively, and he edits all my manuscripts. I couldn’t
do this without him. I am thankful for my children,
Zachary, Lars, and Erik, who think every mother is an
artist who has studio space, but especially me.
I wish to thank my mother June, who always encour-
aged me to be creative and my engineer father Hank
from whom I must have inherited the desire to
make things.
I wish to thank my quilting friends who are there
for me every day. Thanks, Laura, Anne, Melody,
Emily, Judy, and Ann. Also to PAQA (Professional
Art Quilters Alliance) and SAQA (Studio Art Quilt
Associates), two groups that help me grow as an artist.
I wish to thank my editor Cynthia Bix for being so sup-
portive and understanding. The writing process needs
a lot of fanning of the flames, and Cynthia always sent
a gentle breeze my way to keep the fires burning. I also
wish to thank all the people at C&T who worked with
me on this project. They are so thorough and easy to
work with. And thank you to my students who teach
me more than I ever teach them.
I am especially thankful for a little dog that came into
our lives ten years ago. George is a Jack Russell terrier,
and he needs a lot of exercise. If it were not for him
needing to get out and run around, I would not take
a daily walk in the little, twenty-two acre woods near
our home. My daily walks in the woods with George
bring to me so much inspiration and information for
my artwork. Every day that I enter the woods with
George brings me new color combinations and ideas
for my quilts. I tell my students that designs and ideas
for color combinations are all around us, especially in
nature—you only have to look, and I look every day.
Fabric to Dye For
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