HOW TO MAKE YOUR FIRST MILLION WITH CRYPTOCURRENCY - Ten Steps To Conquering Crypto Trading - ReadySetCrypto.pdf

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How to Make Your First Million With
Ten Steps to Conquering Crypto Trading
Charlie Severson
Doc Severson
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CryptoCurrency. Uncomplicated.®
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Securities Used as Examples: Any CryptoCurrency or security used in
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Return on Investment “ROI” Examples: Any security used in this example
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calculation measures the profitability of investment and, as such, there
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Investing Risk: Trading securities and cryptocurrencies can involve high
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Derivatives Trading Risk: Derivatives trading involving Futures and
Options is generally more complex than CryptoCurrency trading and
may not be suitable for some investors. Some derivatives strategies
can result in the loss of more than the original amount invested. Before
trading futures or options, a person should review the document
detailing the exchange operation and the contract specifications of any
derivative traded.
How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency
Steps To Success
Understand Your Situation
Understand Today’s Markets
What Are CryptoCurrencies?
Leverage CryptoCurrency As An Investment
Leverage Existing Assets
Define Your Strategy
Begin With The End In Mind
Be Deliberate
Take Action
Creating And Compounding Success
Your Next Steps
How to Make Your First Million With CryptoCurrency
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