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Course Overview
1m 26s

    Course Overview
    1m 26s

4m 26s

    4m 26s

Assess the User Experience
32m 15s

    3m 11s
    If You're Following Along
    6m 54s
    Test Successful Application Launch: Inside the LAN
    4m 42s
    Test Successful Application Launch: Outside the LAN
    4m 19s
    Test VDA Registration
    3m 4s
    Monitor HDX Monitors in Director
    1m 7s
    Test Session Linger and Session Pre-launch
    6m 50s
    What This Module Covered
    2m 4s

Troubleshoot XenDesktop HA Configuration
12m 50s

    4m 10s
    Test Load Balancing
    1m 55s
    Test Failover for XenDesktop Components
    4m 9s
    What This Module Covered
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