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ASM Module 01: ASM Tool Suite 
In this lesson, we go over all of the tools in the ASM Tool Suite, 
and show you how to sign up for them.
This Lesson Covers: 
1. ASM Resources 
2. Signing Up 
3. What’s Next 
4. Action Step 
1. ASM Resources 
Each tool serves an important purpose, and have some similar features to 
each other. Remember that some of the tools are better for your physical 
products business than others. We recommend certain tools for certain tasks. 
Remember to stick to our recommendations and do not get sidetracked. 
The Brand Launchpad 
The main purpose of the Brand Launchpad is
You won’t be using it until 
Module 6, when we discuss the best way to launch your product.  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
Jungle Scout 
You should already be using Jungle Scout. ASM believes it’s the best product 
selection tool on the market. Other tools in ASM have a product selection 
assistance, but we recommend you sticking to Jungle Scout, as it has the 
most accurate estimate sales. 
Manage By Stats (MBS) 
MBS is the best stats tool on the market at the moment. As an ASMX member, 
you get 12 months free with this tool. Beyond stats, this tool can be useful for 
automated emails. We will be going over how to sign up shortly.  
Initially you won’t have full access to MBS.
This is completely normal.​
have complete access.  
Do not connect your account to Amazon until your account has been 
approved and is active for at least a week.  
you launch your product and connect your MBS account to Amazon, you will 
Helium10 is the king of keyword research tools. You will be using it from start to 
finish, when it comes to keyword building. This tools helps you:  
Build a keyword list for your listing  
Create your listing 
Track your keywords after the product launches 
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
You get a free three month trial of Helium10 with ASMX. 
Helium10 has additional links for other tools on their website. We recommend 
you only use the tools we go over in ASMX until your first product is live, to 
avoid confusion. 
2. Signing Up 
Sign up for these tools from the ASM dashboard. The MBS and Helium10 trials 
start from the Module 1 release date.  
From your dashboard, click the MBS link in the top right corner. 
Use the same email address as your ASMX account to get 
the free 12 months.   
3. At the bottom, check the box agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, and 
click “Sign Up.”  
4. The next page will ask you to log in.
This is far as you need to go. Do not 
Select Amazon Seller Account Currency.  
From the dashboard, scroll to the bottom of the page. Click the Helium 10 
button to the right.  
2. Click “Sign up Now,” then check your email for the link.  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
2. Click “Sign Up Now,” and enter your information.  
3. In your email, copy the coupon code, then click the link saying “Create 
Your Account Now.”  
4. Enter your information, check the box saying you agree to the Terms 
and Conditions, and click “Sign Up.”   
5. You’ll get a message saying “Activation Required.” Go back to your email 
and open the most recent message from Helium10.  
6. Click the “Activate my account” link in the email.  
7. Pick your password, and click “Set Password.”  
8. From the main Helium10 page, click the link on the top right corner 
saying “Plan Details.”  
9. Paste in your coupon code from the original email.  
10. The Platinum Plan will go to $0, which is the plan you want. You’ll have to 
enter your credit card details, but you won’t be charged for the first 
three months.  
Use the same email address as your ASMX account.  
3. What’s Next 
In the next lesson we will teach you how to perform patent searches. 
4. Action Step 
Sign up for MBS and Helium10. 
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
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