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ASM Module 05: Initial 
Strategic Keyword Research 
In this lesson, you will learn how to discover the keywords you 
will use to create your Amazon listing.
This Lesson Covers: 
1. Do Your Research 
2. Keywords 
3. What’s Next 
1. Do you Research 
A keyword is what a consumer types into the Amazon search bar to find what 
they’re looking for. 
It is imperative to do keyword research for your listing, because this enables 
you to make sure Amazon knows what your listing is, and helps prospective 
customers find your product.  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
If you sell bicycle pumps on Amazon, you’ll want to appear in the 
and patch kit,” and “bicycle pump seal.”  
Your goal is to capture as much relevant traffic as possible. 
following searches: “bicycle pump,” “bicycle pump automatic,” “bicycle pump 
2. Keywords 
Types of Keywords:  
Primary keywords​
are the main, most obvious keywords.  
a. Example: bicycle pump 
Long tail keywords​
are all of the less searched for term 
a. Example: bicycle pump and patch kit 
As a new seller, you can get traffic by focusing on both types of keywords, 
using ASM strategies.  
Amazon wants you to do your own keyword research, since it lets them know 
what searches you think your product is relevant for. They have a section for 
keywords when you create your product listing, bu there’s still a lot you can do 
outside of that one spot.  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
Where to Use Keywords:  
Product Title 
Bullet Points 
Back-end (in listing setup) 
Advertising on and off Amazon 
Which Keywords 
Amazon doesn’t tell you which keywords to use. Once your product is live, you 
can use Amazon Ads, which will give you the most accurate keywords.  
For your listing keywords, use
Amazon search​
and the
keyword tool from 
Helium 10​
(do not use Google yet, as we are concentrating on Amazon 
Keyword Relevance 
Make sure your keywords are relevant to your product. Simply adding a 
thousand keywords to your listing to get traffic is not a good idea, and will hurt 
your results. Amazon only want to see keywords that customers would 
consider relevant to your product. 
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
Brand Keywords 
Using brand keywords in your listing is considered a grey area. You should not 
target the brand name of your competitors, unless your product is an 
3. What’s Next 
In the next lesson, you will start building your list of keywords.  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
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