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ASM Module 5: Taking 
Advantage of Downtime  
You’re waiting for your inventory, but this is not the time to sit 
back and relax—you have a lot to do! In this lesson, you will 
learn how to make the most of your downtime while waiting 
for your inventory to arrive at Amazon. 
Using Your Downtime  
Make good use of your downtime by taking care of the following while you 
wait for your inventory to arrive at Amazon:  
Continue adding content to your brand assets—Facebook, your website, 
Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube.  
Search through your brand assets to make sure that the content you 
have added is relevant to your customers.  
Research your niche or market: 
Find and look at websites and Facebook pages in your niche, and 
see what is being discussed.  
Like, comment, and share using your Facebook brand page.  
Use what you learn to improve your own posts on your Facebook 
brand page and other websites.  
Don’t copy the information​
, use it to become a niche expert.  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
Research your competitors:  
Order their products, and compare them to yours.  
Read and analyze their reviews (especially the five-star and 
one-star reviews) to see where you can make improvements.  
Look at their questions and answers—you will probably get many 
of the same questions, so you will be prepared!  
If they send out emails, read them. Take the best parts and modify 
them for your own use.
Do not copy them​
You have created your first listing, and congratulations are well-deserved. 
You’ve come a long way!  
But remember that you are building a business. Enjoy how far you’ve come, 
but don’t rest on your laurels. There is still a lot to be done, so take advantage 
of your downtime, and keep finding ways to get ahead of the game.  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
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