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ASM Module 07: Your Ongoing 
Content Marketing Strategy 
This Lesson Covers: 
1. Why Use Content to Sell Your Products on Amazon  
2. When, Where, How, and How Much 
3. How to Track Performance  
1. Why Use Content to Sell Your Product?  
Why is content such an effective way to help sell your product? Because:  
It’s free advertising (although you may at times decide to spend money 
to promote your product)  
You establish brand credibility  
It allows you to promote your brand without “selling” anything 
It allows you to continually build a bigger email list  
It forces you to educate yourself about your market  
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2. When, Where, How, and How Much 
Quality always wins. Good-quality content once in a while is better than poor 
quality content all the time.
Quality content as often as you can make it is 
Blog, Website, etc.  
How do you know how often to post content? There are no perfect answers, 
but there are some good general recommendations.  
Take a look at these guidelines:  
Facebook: 1x per day  
Twitter: 3x per day 
Email: 1x per week (except during a promotion)  
Instagram: 1x per day  
Pinterest: 3x per day  
YouTube: 1x per week  
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You have already set up your social media channels:  
Balancing Content and Promotion  
Don’t just post a coupon every day—give people
usable, valuable content the 
majority of the time​
. That way, when you DO post a promotion, people are 
more likely to take you up on your offer. So what is the right mix of content 
versus information?  
Again, take a look at these guidelines:  
Facebook: 1 promotional post for every 10 content posts  
Twitter: 1 promotional post for every 15 content posts  
Email: 1 promotional post for every 2 content posts  
Instagram: 1 promotional post for every 10 content posts  
Pinterest: 1 promotional post for every 15 content posts  
YouTube: 1 promotional video for every 5 content videos  
Remember, these are guidelines. Over time, you will figure out what works best 
for you and for your customers.  
What Kind of Content?  
No matter what you post, it must be relevant to your customers. Include some 
of the following in your
Helpful tips related to your market (does not have to be about your 
product)—for example, if you sell camping equipment, make posts 
about hiking, the outdoors, great campsites, etc.  
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Feel-good stories (news, videos, photos, memes, etc.)  
General news and other people’s content  
Positive product reviews from Amazon  
Photos of people using your product—use contest/offers to encourage 
people to participate (for example, email your list and offer a free 
product to the first 5 people who send in a picture)  
Exciting company updates—new products, top ranking on Amazon, 
number of reviews, other milestones  
Each day’s content
does not have to be unique—​
you can use the same 
content, and share it across all of your media channels.  
Remember to link across channels, too (e.g., your tweet can link to your 
Facebook post, which in turn can link to a YouTube video you made earlier in 
the day).  
Plan your Facebook posts and email content well in advance, then set 
them up to go out automatically. That way, you don’t have to work on this 
every single day, if you would prefer not to.  
Need Content Ideas?  
Check out your competition’s social media pages.​
See what they’re posting, 
to get some inspiration.
Sign up for their mailing lists, too​
—not just for content 
Check out these websites, too, if you need more ideas:  
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ideas, but also to find out what kind of offers they are sending their customers.  
Buzzsumo: Visit
www.buzzsumo.com​, search for a topic related to your 
product, and share the articles on your social media pages. 
Google Alerts: Use it the same way you would Buzzsumo,
with one major 
Click “Create Alert” at the top of the page, enter the required 
information, and Google will send you an email any time the topics you 
are interested in start trending.   
3. Google news (free) 
4. Feedly (free or paid)  
5. Scoop.it (free or paid) 
3. Tracking Your Results 
Likes, interactions, shares, retweets, pins, views, etc. The 
sales. However, an increase in engagements
mean that people 
are getting value out of your content, so keep adding to it.  
A steadily growing following is also a good measure of 
easiest method for tracking your results, but doesn’t necessarily result in 
Track these numbers weekly in your performance 
Coupons and Emails:
Use landing pages for your promotional posts, 
allows you to track results.  
and offer limited-time coupons. This helps build your list, build sales, and 
Bonus Tip:
Set up an Amazon Associates account (if you are able) and 
use a different tracking ID for each social media account. This allows 
you to track
each sales comes from, and you will see which of 
use associate links in any “boosted/promoted” (paid) posts.  
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your social media accounts are the most effective.
Important: Do not 
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