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ASM Module 7: Understanding 
Traffic and Conversions  
This Lesson Covers: 
1. The Two Main Reasons Sales Go Up and Down  
2. How to Find and Analyze Your Data  
3. What Is Considered a “Good” Conversion Rate  
4. Optimization Tips  
1. The Two Main Reasons Sales Go Up and Down  
These are the two main reasons that you are either not making enough sales, 
or your sales have suddenly dropped:  
online business spends a great deal of time and money 
analyzing and improving these two factors.  
are are also key factors in growing your sales.  
Consider this scenario:  
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You are not getting enough traffic (visitors to your product page)  
2. You are not converting enough traffic into sales  
You’re making
5 sales per day
on average.  
You want more traffic to ramp up your sales, so you increase your 
spending on Amazon sponsored ads, start running AMS ads, and start 
running some Google and Facebook ads.  
After a few weeks and $500 in ad spend, you are now making
7 sales per 
While that is a 40% increase in sales, the extra money spent on ads does not 
make up for the extra sales.  
You then turn your advertising back down, and you’re back to
5 sales 
Not necessarily.  
Incremental traffic, at some point, no longer provides enough value.
you have probably done the right thing (getting more traffic) at the wrong 
time (before your page is optimized).  
per day​
Is this a hopeless scenario? Is your product a dud?  
2. Finding and Analyzing Your Data 
Too many sellers think that their biggest problem is
Focus instead on understanding and analyzing how well you are converting, 
you focus on traffic.  
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Please read the following definitions before you take action, to familiarize 
yourself with the content:  
Traffic = “Sessions”​
—These are the number of people who have visited 
your page over that time period.  
Conversions = “Units Ordered”​
—These are your sales. Some people look 
at “Total Order Items” instead, you will focus on conversions.  
Conversion Rate = “Unit Sessions Percentage.”  
Take the following steps to start analyzing your conversion rates:  
Log in to your Seller Central account, hover your cursor over “Reports,” 
and select “Business Reports” from the drop-down menu.  
2. Click “Detail Page Sales and Traffic” under “By ASIN” in the left side bar, to 
bring up the information you need to see.  
Click “Columns” on the right side of the page to add or delete columns 
from your list. For now, uncheck the box next to every column
“Sessions,” “Units Ordered,” and “Unit Session Percentage.” Your page will 
now look similar to this:  
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Take a look at your “Unit Sessions Percentage”—since this is your first 
visit, you want to get an idea of how your product is performing
the future.  
You must have some traffic in order to analyze your data—hopefully, you are 
getting 30 or more sessions per day from existing traffic (organic search and 
Amazon Sponsored Ads).
Increase your Amazon Sponsored Ads traffic​
, if you 
are not to that point.  
Try to exclude traffic and sales for days that you are running deeply 
discounted promotions, when you start analyzing your data. These 
promotions can skew your data, and give you an unrealistic view of your true 
conversion rate.  
, so that you will know when it changes (for better or for worse) in 
3. What Is a Good Conversion Rate?  
What exactly is a good conversion rate?  
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A lot depends on your product and its price:  
The more expensive the product, the lower the conversion rate.  
For example, a $50 product may have a 5% conversion rate, whereas a 
$10–$15 product may have a 30% conversion rate.  
What rate should you shoot for?  
We recommend aiming for a
10% conversion rate​
at a minimum. Also, keep in 
mind that 20%–30% conversion rates are not uncommon for highly optimized 
What if you already have a good conversion rate?  
Then you need more traffic!  
4. Optimization Tips  
Make sure that you take these
factors into account as your optimize 
your listing: 
Product Images: Make them high-quality, and as good if not better than 
your competition.  
Title: Keep it keyword-optimized in a
way—if it looks “spammy,” 
potential customers will be turned off.  
Bullet Points: Make sure they really sell your product and its benefits.  
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