BBC RADIO DRAMA_ SOUND OF MURDER by Eric Corner (Description).txt

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Sound Of Murder by Eric Corner was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 2 December 1978. Sorry the sound is not perfect but recorded off Long Wave 40 years ago.

Crime drama: Martin is asked by his sister Vera to track down his brother-in-law Henry, a bit of a waster with an eye for the girls. But the further his investigations take him. the more Martin finds that Henry may have gone a bit far this time ... 

Martin: Conrad Phillips
lane: Rosalind Adams
Vera: Ingrid Haffner
Landlord JEROLD: Wei Ls
Brendon: Ray Handy
Mrs Hamlyn: June Marloy
Sir Lionel: Hedley Goodall
Insp Worth: Gregory de Polnay
Sally: Allison Hancock
Henry: Peter Wickhan
Directed By: Brian Miller
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