introduction to matlab.doc

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Pre-Engineering 220


Introduction to MatLab® &
Scientific Programming


J Kiefer


















Gottfried W. Leibnitz:

It is unworthy for excellent men to lose hours like slaves in the labour of calculation which could be safely relegated to anyone else if machines were used.



© 2013



Table of Contents

Table of Contents              1

I.              Introduction              3

A.              Numerical Methods or Numerical Analysis              3

1.              Numerical Analysis              3

2.              Newton’s Method for Solving a Nonlinear Equation—an example              3

3.              Series              5

4.              Error              5

B.              Programming              6

1.              Program Design              6

2.              Branching              6

3.              Loops              6

4.              I/O              6

5.              Precision Issues              7

6.              Debugging              7

II.              MatLab®              8

A.              Program Features              8

1.              Commands              8

2.              Arrays              10

3.              Array Operations              11

B.              Files              11

1.              m-files              11

2.              Script files              12

3.              Function files              12

C.              Plots              13

1.              Two Dimensional Graphs (pp. 133-158              13

2.              Three Dimensional Graphs              13

D.              Programs              14

1.              Branches              14

2.              Loops (pp. 190-200)              16

3.              Input/output (pp 114-118)              17

III.              Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Equations              18

A.              Non-Linear Equations—one at a time              18

1.              The Problem              18

2.              Bisection              18

3.              Newton’s Method or the Newton-Raphson Method              19

4.              Secant Method              20

5.              Hybrid Methods              20

B.              Systems of Nonlinear Equations              21

1.              Newton-Raphson              21

2.              Implicit Iterative Methods              21

IV.              Linear Algebra              23

A.              Matrix Arithmetic              23

1.              Matrices              23

2.              Addition & Subtraction              23

3.              Multiplication              23

4.              Inverse Matrix              24

B.              Simultaneous Linear Equations              25

1.              The Problem              25

2.              Gaussian Elimination              25

3.              Matrix Operations              26

4.              Gauss-Jordan Elimination              28

C.              Iterative Methods              30

1.              Jacobi Method              30

2.              Gauss-Seidel Method              31

D.              Applications              32

1.              Electrical Circuit              32

2.              Truss System              33

V.              Interpolation and Curve Fitting              34

A.              Polynomial Interpolation              34

1.              Uniqueness              34

2.              Newton’s Divided Difference Interpolating Polynomial              35

B.              Least Squares Fitting              38

1.              Goodness of Fit              38

2.              Least Squares Fit to a Polynomial              38

3.              Least Squares Fit to Non-polynomial Function              40

MatLab® Sidelight Number One              41

1.              Polynomials              41

2.              Curve Fitting & Interpolation              42

VI.              Integration              43

A.              Newton-Cotes Formulæ              43

1.              Trapezoid Rule              43

2.              Extension to Higher Order Formulæ              44

B.              Numerical Integration by Random Sampling              47

1.              Random Sampling              47

2.              Samples of Random Sampling              48

3.              Integration              48

MatLab® Sidelight Number Two              53

1.              Nonlinear Equations              53

2.              Integration              53

VII.              Ordinary Differential Equations              55

A.              Linear First Order Equations              55

1.              One Step Methods              55

2.              Error              56

MatLab® Sidelight Number Three              58

1.              First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE)              58

B.              Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations              ...

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