Lucyferian Goetia.rtf

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T h e G oe tia

was to rework the Goetia in a modern Luciferian form, which focused on the development of the Will and the Self through Antinomian Left Hand Path techniques.



Illumination Spell of the


The Perception of the Serpent’s Mind who in the

Dream of the Celestial and Infernal shall walk

between the Worlds..

Unto the Angelic Soul and fiery essence of the

serpent, who comes as shadow but is revealed as


I charge thee to open the gates of this book to those

who are of its blood – one who may take the knowledge

of the pages – In the in -between worlds of dreams do

come forth, that the seeker shall be transformed in new

shadow to the presence of the Emerald Light. I charge

thee with guarding this book by the dreams of those

unwilling to grow and become in the Light of the

Serpent -Angel.

By Air and Dream we enter the Circle




The Preliminary Definition

of Magick & Black Magick

It is significant to explain the definitions within the context of this book, to not only in some manner set the foundation but also the suggestion of a successful application of this grimoire. This book is not meant for the individual to develop profane behavior, antisocial actions nor abhorrent philosophy which may be defined as not-healthy for the self. The essence of this book is exploring the Luciferian foundations of human evolution, the next step in our spiritual and philosophical ideologies. Any negative behavior or criminal actions (as defined by current society) is considered a deterrent from our individual evolution, thus is not acceptable.

Magick is the Highest Art of conscious elevation; it is the specific ascension of the self and an opening forth of Higher Articulation of Self. Magick is the Arte of the Sun, which is fertile and beautiful, the very foundation built in Gold brilliance. Magick is the evolution of the Spirit and the Self, the very path of mediation between us and our Gods. It is ultimately however the separation from us from all Gods and the Emerald Crown of which we adopt – we Become as Gods and Goddesses individual and beautiful in many ways.

Black Magick as revealed in current standards is the art of Self-Deification through Antinomianian processes, that by the self separating from the natural order do we move in-between the world of waking and dreaming. In the Art of Primal Sorcery this is defined as Encircling/Ensorcelling the Self in the Dragon’s being. The Circle in the modern context of Magick and Ceremonial Workings is not designed to keep forces out, such as being a philosophy which if employed in this manner, will lay a foundation which causes the magician to fail from the start. The Circle is a Span of self control; it is our influence of who we are and what we will become. Do not fear forces outside the self, your greatest enemy is within. Any magician who is able to summon any spirits in the Goetia should be prepared to face that which they call – or else suffer the consequences. The modern magician understands that no Work may be successful is the intent is not pure and clear. If you seek to summon one of the Djinn of the Goetia, understand how the spirit relates to your mind, how it will manifest in yourself. Do not summon something that which you are not comfortable in working with. Do not on the other hand fear the very forces which you seek to command, be it Angelic or Demonic.

Black Witchcraft is working with averse or ‘black’ forces which are translated as shadow aspects of the sorcerers psyche. These shadows of the self are essential to our own self-development and becoming as individuals. It requires that the witch be well disciplined and also well balanced, save from the gates of failure and madness. To look into the Eye of Set and Lilith-Hecate or even Ahriman is to face off forces which would devour any not prepared to become bearers of the Black Flame, a Luciferian Spirit themselves. Once this Pact is made, when the Sigillium Diaboli is upon the mind, spirit and body, then there is no turning back – only the ascension of the spirit as ‘beyond’ the mortal clay.


In the modern world of magicians, Sathan is our initiator and stimulator of the psyche. One should remember, in Pre-Islamic lore Satan/Azazel is considered the Imagination – Sufism recognizes Satan as the imagination itself. Sathan is thus our announcer of the path, the very fountain of our attainment. In the view of a God form and model, Lucifer (Sathan) is an ideal form to align with in an initiatory sense. Azazel rebelled against the natural order (God – Ain Soph) as he sought independence, fell to the realms of earth and awoke in Hell (earth – the chthonic realm). Rather than fearing and cowering, hiding, Lucifer understood he was an independent Mind and existed independently from the natural order and roused all other fallen angels to stand strong. In this context, Lucifer was creating Order from Chaos. This is a seeming model of the initiate, that we Work towards recognizing our own sense of being, and to expand the circle of control.

The Daimons/Djinn of the Goetia are initiatory forces as well.

Consider the definitions of Angel and Demon. The significance is beneficial in the context of this grimoire. Angelic Spirits are solar/air based spirits who posses a higher articulation of being, that is, they resonate with the more developed aspects of the self i.e. communion with the Initiatic Guide/Holy Guardian Angel. Demons are spirits/fallen angels which proceed to grow in shadows and the darkness of the earth, but are as significant and beneficial as Angelic Spirits. In unity these Djinn are of Fire and Air, thus enflame the very essence of self in the illumination of being (Black Flame – Self-Perception and Being).

Black Magick is the development and refinement of the Self on every level. It can be unpleasant such as questioning yourself and testing your limits, and it can be pleasure filled. It is necessary not to grow lazy while working with these spirits, as the Work will then disintegrate and cause numerous problems. Stay focused and resilient to the purpose of the Work – yet do not allow spirits to control or alter your thoughts. The challenge is great, few will be able to pass beyond the testing grounds of this Grimoire, nor understand the translation therein.

Please understand that this grimoire was not created because I felt I could produce something better than Aleister Crowley, nor a sign of disrespect for the original work. On the contrary, it is a love of the original that this edition was created. It is a partial map and record of my personal Work as one of the Luciferian Path, and something which I felt should have a new approach presented. The new presentation of this Work will no doubt open some gates which should not have been opened, or rather needed to opened for sometime. Zazas, Zazas, Nasatanada Zazas – In these words, I weave this spell..

-Michael W. Ford, Dark Moon, April 1st, 2003.




The Goetia – Ancient and Modern

Considered for centuries a grimoire of “low” magic, the Goetia (loosely translated as “howling” or “wailing”) has been a tome of forbidden black magic. The 72 Spirits of Solomon were meant as a tool of cursing and empowering ones’ lusts. While this may continue to be an aspect of Lesser or Low Black Magic, the Magic of Theurgy (high sorcery) has not been a connection in detail explored – until now.

Theurgy is High Magick, or High Sorcery. It is the development of the self in Light and aimed at bettering ones being on numerous levels. “Light” may refer to the perception of being, as Lucifer who is the Lord of the Sun and the Emerald Crowned Initiator of Magick. Theurgy would be the path of invoking the genius or Guardian Angel of the Self. This operation has been dealt with in length in the works of Abramelin, Aleister Crowley’s Liber Samekh and equally brilliant writings by Jake Stratton-Kent and Charles Gonzales. The “Preliminary Invocation” as it was published in Crowley’s 1904 edition, was developed from the London Papyrus 46, being a Greek Exorcism Rite which was translated by Charles Wycliffe Goodwin and published in 1852. It was indeed Aleister Crowley who asserted correctly so that the supreme ritual was the one to invoke the Holy Guardian Angel, as this led to the path of individual perfection. This is a common ground of which the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path practitioner may agree. The paths become clearly defined when the RHP seeks to reach spiritual perfection, then letting the consciousness be joined in union with the divine light, or the Hebrew Ain Soph, which is Limitless Light. The LHP practitioner views consciousness and being as beautiful, sacred and worth developing and strengthening. The consciousness from the unveiling of ones True Will or Daemon/Angel would seek to further become like Lucifer and be independent, isolate and separate from the Ain Soph, or Limitless Light. One should remember, it is the Limitless Light from which Azazel – Lucifer sought to be independent from.

The Goetia is indeed a tough, powerful and to some a dreadful real grimoire. Those who have hissed and vibrated the sacred names and candle lit summons of the demons of this book have empowered it to heights which revival the legends of Faust and even Horror fiction author H.P. Lovecraft and his tales of the macabre. With Aleister Crowley, whom, in his youth brought forth the shades of the Goetia into Boleskine and other homes, he did so in an experiment of Will. While on the surface, he had appeared to consciously evoke the Goetic spirits to appease his carnal desires, and other material quests; subconsciously he was breaking ground for the development of the Will.

The Lemegethon or Goetia as it is called is indeed a forbidden yet essential tool in magical practice. In specific areas of what is termed Sabbatic or Luciferian Sorcery and Magick, a definitive purpose is expounded in the Nature of the Goetic spirits. Magick as itself is defined to raise one up, to ascend. As Magick is a Celestial Work, which defines and strengthens the Will (or the Will strengthens Magick) so that a union be brought with the Baphometic Statements, As Above, So Below. The Goetia is a work of Black Magick. One often views Black Magic (k) in the perception of Aleister Crowley, being the malicious workings of sorcery. A modern or should I say realistic perception is


that Black Magick is the arte of ensorcelling the self, building and isolating the psyche. The goal is specifically a higher articulation of the soul and the Will of the individual. It is considered Black because this is the symbol of the unknown, such is a large part of the psyche and subconscious.

The Black Magician is therefore one who Works on the self, building and defining the character of “I” or being. The Sorcerer is thus one who encircles energy and the spirits of the dead and the subconscious around the self; to strengthen and explore the avenues of a strong and open mind. The Black Magician also understands the respect which is necessary with working with exterior forces which often relate in an interior context. This is the key to the Goetic Sorcery path which is for this reason considered dangerous. The Path of Magick is that Godform of Lucifer, the Angel perfected. The Luciferian spirit is fire born, alive, vigorous and strong in Will and Pride. Lucifer Ascends in the Sun, and Falls with the Darkening of the Moon. This is the Path of Magick itself – AS ABOVE, SO BELOW.

The Luciferian model is presented strongly in this book, as this is a gateway or key to the mind expanding and developing. No longer shall the horrid sickness of Christianity be brought down in the Goetic Work – No longer shall the weak of mind approach this tome without duress. The Walls are torn down yet they are at the same time built higher than they ever have been before.

Goetic Sorcery should in itself be the grammar and foundation for the Arte of Magick, which is to ascend in the light and warmth of the Sun. In order to fully understand and perceive the Self and the Light within one must explore the Demonic or Infernal realms. They often bring swift success, and a meteoritic fall into flame – instead of the self within igniting the exterior brings fire unto the self, destroying it. Be the Flame that is the Torch of Magickal Arte.








As one explores and seeks to understand those deep desires which motivate, inspire and sometimes terrify us, we are building a strong blackened tower of self. This allows us to not only understand our feelings and perceptions, but the possibilities of becoming something better. The Goetia as it is a tool of darkness; it is also a tool of strengthening the self – one of fiery light. One must observe the nature of Goetic Spirits, which generally may be harmful or beneficial depending on how may approach them. In a modern context, the Magician is now able to step out of the medieval mode of summoning separately – rather the sorcerer now moves forward into the Point between the summoner and the summoned. This is the Axis of which all change, self-deification and the widdershins dance of the Adversary is accomplished and developed. One may perform rites based around the Princes of the Infernal Realm or the Sub-princes accordingly. Much of this useful information may be found in the S.L. MacGregor Mathers translated “The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage”.


The Four Infernal Princes are

LUCIFER – East (from Lux Fero, Light Bearer. A common “Shadow” association is Lucifuge, latin for “fly the light” and may have close associations with Mephistopheles. Lucifer in this aspect is the Angel of Light, the Adversary. Lucifer is a title which is beheld by the fire djinn Azazel being the first angel, fallen from the stasis of light. By this manner, Lucifer is the liberator and developer of humanity with his gift of the Black Flame, or individualized self-perception.

LEVIATHAN - West (from LVTHN, the Crooked Serpent/Dragon of the Sea. Leviathan is the Daemon of Immortality and initiation, that the Beast and Scarlet Whore moves through to arise from the Oceans as the Beast 666, the Solar Spirit of manifestation and creativity.)

SATAN – South (from the root SHTN, meaning Adversary. Satan is the name associated with Azazel the Fire Djinn, who is also Lucifer and Samael. The Goat with One Thousand Names by form. Satan = Set-an, the ancient Egyptian God of Darkness, Chaos and Isolation.) Satan is the Adversary, whose symbol can be viewed as a Forked Stave which rises in the Noon-tide Sun.

BELIAL – North (from BLIOL, a wicked one. Belial is the Spirit of the earth, created second after Lucifer/Azazel as a powerful Angel. Belial is a powerful daemonic and angelick spirit and initiator, and is associated with both the infernal and celestial.)

The Sub-Princes are (and should be considered Shadow forms of the Infernal Princes)

SAMAEL – East (being the Angel of Fire who is Azazel. Samael is the Demon prince who is married to Lilith and father of Tubal-Cain. The root word of Samael is SML, which translates “Idol or image”.)

AZAEL – West (associated with Azrael, the Angel of Death or the Egyptian Anubis, the God of the Dead. Azael represents the West and the Realm of Twilight.)

AZAZEL – South (associated with the element Fire, as Azazel is the Fire Djinn of Islamic Sufism. In Hebrew Azazel is the Scape Goat, associated with the root OZ, meaning Goat and Devil, sexual force.)

MAHAZAEL – North (associated with Earth, being Cain or the Egyptian Set as the Lord of the Earth in Typhonian Lore. Mahazael comes from the root MHZAL, meaning to Consume and Devour and is associated with AMAIMON, a Grand Daemon.)


The Rite of the Coiling Dragon

(Leviathan, the Crooked Serpent)

The Darokin Walk of the coiling dragon is the averse trance-way of the Adversary, thus the initiate becomes as the image and essence of Shaitan through the invocation of the Four Powers under the Infernal Princes. In the coiling of this Black Light and Cunning Fire, may the sorcerer become isolated and strong against the natural order. The individual is separate, yet a fire made vessel of Azazel-Lucifer, known as Azal’ucel, the Daemonic Angel of Adversarial Awakening.

Begin the rite in the Southern Quarter, relative to Azazel, the initiator of the path. The sorcerer should construct the circle of the dragon as one uses in this Goetia, encircling the ...

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