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NOX UMBRA is a grimoire. Presented here in the pages of this tome are the hints from which one may come into the "knowledge of the circle". The culture specifications are undoubtedly varied, from Egyptian to Ancient Persian to European, however this is wherein one discovers the points or as in Voudon, 'Points chorals ' or hot spaces from which certain areas of textual transmissions develop and occur. Cain as the initiator stands in the cold areas of which many would not visit, wrapping in the cloak of night - it is here you may spark a fire, sit and listen carefully to his tale. This path is dangerous, it may prove ones menial downfall. However, it is not advocating

Criminal or aggressive behaviour. Nox Umbra is a spiritual work, and should be viewed as such.


Vampyrism is indeed a sinistral (left way or LHP) collection of various aspects of folklore and initiatory currents in Black Magic and Sorcery. What enables sorcery to occur in a productive or destructive aspect is the combination of Will-Desire-Belief. Vampyrism within the current of modern Witchcraft is a development from the Sabbat - the Infernal awakening of the sorcerer as a shadow-manifestation of Ahriman, the Persian- Zoroastrian sorcerous being who was evil, or adversarial chaos embodied.

Black Magic has long been viewed as a self-centered and selfish area of study, which often causes obsession and destruction. This, if looked through a RHP (Right Hand Path) or Path of Disillusion (i.e. Christianity) this is accurate according to the belief structure. Keep in mind that Religious pathways such as Christianity hold no Adversarial view piont rather than the extremes of the exact opposite side- which is not a natural point of study in itself. Can the Buddhist understand Christian thinking inherently and objectively? Yes, this path allows psychologically the ability to perceive and understand other views, while still limiting material control and destroing

the self in the natural order. Could Christians understand a Buddhist view point-As a majority, No. Can a LHP (Left Hand Path) practitioner understand the religious doctrine of Christianity- Yes, while most of us find subservient behaviour abhorrently disgusting.

Yet Christians still view our Walk as the Opposite of what it actually is! A Luciferian loves life,

seeks to strengthen it by self-perception devoid of unnecessary egotistical thought. The Sethian/Luciferian understands life is a great opportunity to Come into Being as something greater. The primal sense of dissatisfaction was with Lucifer/Azazel from the time of Heaven, having all the beauty around him was nothing without self-respect and freedom. The price was painful, and dark. Alas, in this darkness was found a light - the Black Flame of individual being.

The Vampyre Sorcerer indeed loves life, and the realms of ghosts and shades, we find

nourishment in their tombs and black earth. Yet when we emerge in the Light of Shaitan in the Noon Tide Sun, we can appreciate it more. We explore the dreaming Sabbat as wolf and blackened shadow, as Ahriman the Lord of Darkness - As Demon and Dragon, yet in the Dawn light we arise and face the beauty of nature.

By the Antinomian path of self-deification (separation of the natural order) we are able to observe

and enjoy the breathtaking world around us - the forests, the water, the night sky - all of this pleasures many take for granted. We are awake and nothing can stand in the way of that. We begin to understand who and what we are, the possibilities and the process of changing the natural order in accordance to our Will. This is the Lucifcrian and Sethian Flame of being - the Black Flame itself!

There are specifically two methods Of practice in Vampyrisrn as within an initiatory context -

mastery of the self and the Left Hand Path approach of Witchcraft and Sorcery. The Vampyre - initiate who seeks the union of Ahriman and the disunion with the natural-order works in the darker or adversarial spirits, what is the same as within Palo Mayombe and Petro Voodoo currents of sorcery. By entrancing the self by the methods of offbeat rhythm, the magician calls forth the Left-Handed aspects of the self, the Vampyric Famulus (Latin for familiar) whom is the shadow-drinker, the Loa of the Grave, whom has survived physical death and is not held in the limitations of flesh alone.

The sorcerer by employing the technique of trance-induction by off-beat drumming creates a

vortex of sound from which invocation and possesion may occur. The mark of the Cross-Road is the displaced consciousness of the sorcerer who becomes a gateway to Hell (Helan, the meeting place of sorcerers and the dead)

In Luciferian and Sethanic Witchcraft, the current of vampyrism is explored through the sorcerous aspects of summoning, creating and controlling shadows and wraiths, all connected by the self. Before

practicing the mentally challenging and dangerous rituals and workings in this tome, please take some time to explore what you are and how you may connect with this path. Even for a Luciferian Witch, this is a thorny and treacherous road to roam. You may have certain visitors attracted by the gates you may open.

Be warned.


Decorate your temple of Working according to the vampyric path and how it perceives to you personally. In the middle of this room have a nice pillow to sit upon. Have either upon the floor a simple table or small cloth to plate a black mirror upon. Have one candle (black) behind this mirror. Place yourself on the pillow and begin a slow meditation on what you consider a vampyre spirit to be. Think about each attribute and then think of yourself in relation to it. Then hold the mirror and gaze into it. Focus and do not allow your mind to wander. Command the worlds of darkness to open to you, and then watch yourself transform. Will your flesh and astral body to change and morph into a vampyric form you hold identity with. Perceive yourself and remember it. You WILL change in time. If you find yourself frightened or if other shadow forms touch you, a feeling of weakness occurs you should banish immediately and consider not attempting this again.

This may be a suggestion of your work in reference to Vampyrism and Shadow Sorcery, both of the Sabbat and the Sethanic Path of Witchcraft will strengthen you in the darkened and tomb soiled shroud of Ahriman. Come now unto his pitch arms and talons, transform in the embrace of the father and mother of the Blood Moon of Tiamat and Babalon.


The Ahrimanic Vampyre is one who has isolated the psyche, understanding that we are spiritual beings within flesh. We can thus control our immediate surrounding world. As we are born in darkness, we are nourished in the shadows. As we are strengthened in the Noon-Sun which is the time of Shaitan, we create darkness and shadow equally. The Ahrimanic Vampyre seeks the in-between, or Neither-Neither world of twilight, from which the shades of the dead commune with the living.

The shadow may be grown, cultivated and manipulated through the Will of the Ahrimanic Sorcerer, through darkness we expand and strengthen our consciousness. It is this hidden aspect of sorcery and witchcraft which breeds the legends of evil concepts, while it is only a hint at the purpose of the Left Hand Path. This way is devoid of moralistic concepts, thus in the absolute and in the isolation from it, we are uniquely separate from all exterior forces, the very essence of Gods and Goddesses. The Ahrimanic Vampyre is one who separates the psyche from the natural order and masters the Nightside or Astral Plane within our physical world which we seek to control from within. The forms in the Nightside of which we assume (Bat. Wolf, Moth, or a hybrid of each and others) are the extensions of our Will and Desire.

The Vampyre is a being which has deified itself through the antinomianian process of Death and Rebirth, one who has passed through the ancient aspects of Set and Anubis, the Guardians of the Threshold. The symbol of the Dragon known as Tiamat or Leviathan is also Ahriman, the coiled beast that is of serpent wisdom. The Dragon has fueled the myths of Dracula, the Dragon Race from Wallachia. Dracos, Draconum is the very shadow of the immortal fountain of Life, which the Vampyre seeks to bask in eternally.

Remember, in Bram Stoker's immortal "Dracula" novel, the Prince of Vampyres is transformed not by another vampyre. but rather his own self-iniliatory work and Black Magic. Dracula itself was based from two historical figures, Vlad Dracul, whom was of a family of the Order of the Dragon, and Elizabeth Bathory, whose family crest depicted three wolf teeth surrounded by a Dragon(Leviathan, Ahriman). The history of Bram Stoker's novel Dracula has its own curious beginnings in association with folklore and historical figures. Specifically, in Dracula Was a Woman by Raymond T. McNally, Stoker had an original manuscript of the novel which was later deleted, which was published in 1807. The character Harker traveled from Munich to a isolate area from which he comes into contact with a Vampyre female named Countess Dolingen

For the sorcerer interested in developing the Vampyric Path, literary and folklore is highly suggested. It is through inspired magickal lore that one may develop their own form of becoming, something which may add to their own arcana of belief.

In the YATUK DINOIH, the lines of Persian Sorcery and Vampyrism are close, as connected with the Adversary form of Ahriman. An early ritual described in "Sacrifices in Greek and Roman Religion and Early Judaism" by Royden Keith Yeikes describes a Persian blood ritual known as 'taurobolium", which holds a connection to Mithris and the lore of the Bull. In this ritual, the practitioner slays a bull on a platform, which has many holes in the wood. The blood then pours upon the individual.

Symbolically, the sacrifice of the wolf to Ahriman is symbolic only. No blood of an animal or human should ever be used. The wolves would be shadow forms created by the sorcerer who is becoming like Ahriman. The use of blood to call the dead is an old practice. The Huns lacerated themselves to allow their own blood and tears to fall upon their dead. Blood was used also in by the abbot Guibourg who poured the blood of young boys on a "living" altar, dedicated to the God Astaroth, living altars such as Madame de Montespan and Madame de Saint-Font. Blood and sacrifice should never be used or employed literally by an sorcerer. One should imagine or visualize, but to harm another human or animal in such an act is a vile misrepresentation of Magickal practice and the sacred nature of living beings.

The Ritual of the Summoning of the Vampyric Familiar is an initiation rite of exteriorization. While the sorcerer is creating an exterior force from the interior (the self), this is a process which Austin Spare introduced from his linage within the Luciferian Mysteries. The magician creates a visual image of a vampyre shade from which is an exteriorized form of the self, an elemental of the mind. This is clearly a building point of the Will and an act of becoming. When binding the vampyre to the self and the skull, the magician then sleeps with the form in a death posture overnight, awaking to the meditations upon Shaitan in the Noon-Day Sun. This aspect reflects the self in opposition, and how a balance is necessary and healthy. During the Sleep the Vampyre Shade of the self would feed from the body in the death posture.


A human skull which would have the tap detached (available from Medical Supply companies), this will be the resting place or nganga of the vampyre, which would act as a coffin or tomb. Obtain a small amount from a cemetery of burial ground, which will be the soil of which the vampyre would rest. A sigil representing the vampyre and association would be created. This maybe a sigil of Ahriman or Az, Lilith or Hecate, the Black Eagle or another such form. The back of the sigil may have printed the crest/sigil of Vlad Dracul or Countess Bathory.

One may create a mask of the vampyre, which is associated to the Ahrimanic Sorcerer as well. When one prepares the skull the sigil should be placed at bottom, the soil above it and the mask above the soil. When the ritual of the Vampyre is undertaken the sigil will be consecrated and then buried beneath the soil layer.

The chamber or Temple should be decorated in the elements and atmosphere of death and the tomb. The altar should have human and animal bones across the temple, symbols and decorations of death and the tomb. The altar should have red and black candles, above the altar the Eye of Varcolaci and Sigil of Algol.

The sorcerer should have a grave shroud in while, along with the body painted in a corpse like appearance. Ashes may be used to cover the body. The altar itself should have centered the skull which will be the tomb of the vampyre shade. The evocation dagger and athame should be upon the altar as well.

The Fetish will house a Greater Servitor or Familiar, the very aspect of the vampyric essence of being. This Vessel is a tomb for the power of the Ahrimanic Vampyre. and should be revered as such.






The evocation Dagger should be placed upon the altar, which relevant instruments of the arte. Approach when the Moon is waxing or full, from which Lililh may be receptive towards the callings of her children.

Dress yourself in vestments of belief, which are a symbol of your dedication and mindset to the work itself, black robes, grave shrouds of mask of the vampyre or Lilith may be worn. The sigil of Saturnus may be scribed in your own blood on the mask or skull housing the Fetish.

"Oh moon nourished haunters of dreams, who have tasted the souls' blood of life,
From the graves of Corpse-sleep from which ye emerge, from the pools of blood beneath,
the fountains of red sea, that emerge from the dreaming sleep of Azrael,
Move now through the manes of the dead, they seek the commune
of those in the warm flesh of the living.

My shadow, as I build, calls forth the familiar whose spirit is the Djinn of the Noon tide sun, the fire of
spirit later withdrawn, in midnight honor.
Moon hungering shade of the tomb, I summon thee!
From beneath the city of Chorazin have your rested, yet though I go forth
to the city of shadow, I embrace the darkness within and beyond!

Zrazza, Umpesha Infernum!

By the descending divinity:

Gather around, take forth this skull of man, the primal atavism brought dawn by the Nephilimic Tomb of
Sah, take now rest, refuge and a power source for your shadow. Let this be your tomb of rest, gather
strength here, nourish yourself from my flesh, as I am the master known as Akhtya
Seker Arimanius, Draconian Shadow, Messenger of Azrael, I form you

Djinn haunter of the desert and forest

(visualize the shade of self, that your shadow form, so closely

connected that you are but the same, grant this phantom form your deepest attributes of Vampyric self, be it the grave haunter and spirit of folklore)

Skeletal form, whose flesh is gray and green from the blood of Arimanius,
Talons of the best, whom shall tap the window of the sleeping, beckoning their desire
Death-guise, pale and ashen corpse corpse face, whom embraces the manes of the
dead in lustrous copulations, wrapped in the shroud of the tomb, I name you as myself
Azyta Seker Arimanius, whom gathers the darkness and emerges in the Noon-tide Sun, the time sacred of
Shaitan the opposer, as well as the Midnight Sun, the time sacred of Mather Lilith!
I give you the Life that I am, come now into being, familiar of my flesh and spirit, immortal and isolate!

(drop a few drops of your blood into the grave soil)

Disrobe, shrouded and lie within your coffin or grave area created in the temple, have the skull familiar close to you and meditate until sleep arrives. Record your occurrences on the dreaming plane.

When you wish to work with the Nephilimic Tomb of Sah, perform a calling unto it at the Noon day tide, which symbolizes the strength of self to withstand and nourish in the solar force of Saturnis, or Shaitan. Call unto the Familiar at Twilight as well, embracing the night brn shadow form of

of the vampyre, which is an extension of your isolate and beautiful mind.



The Vampyric essence is a form of the shadow of the black magician. The vampyre itself is a being whom is conscious of its essence of being, as well as its nightside powers. The sorcerer focuses upon the vampyric essence throught the shades of the dead, and the darkness and shadow is developed internally. It is visualized outside of the self to present a means of opposition, which allows the self to later realign this focus point of the mind The magician uses the imagination and Will to visualize and create the vampyric form accordingly.

In the Full Moon darkness of night, when shades and the manes of the dead remain close to the earth, approach the tomb of Sah in the honor of the self, which is the mysteries of the Nephilim and Watchers, who descended into the Demonium of the Earth, to merge spirit with beast and human flesh. Wear this mask with intent and pure love, then shall the secret of the essence be revealed in your Sunless Palace of Night.

Approach the Tomb

"Gate of Black Earth,
Nephilimic Tomb in the Sunless Palace of Azrail,
Open forth the dreaming fields of Night,
From thy vessel, born of Lilith's Womb
Shall the Vampyre shade awaken
Hekak Vozath Ka-Sath-Ompos

(By the magic of secret names shall Set strengthen the Shadow Tongue of the Serpent)

By the Blackened Fire of my Spirit, born in the shadows of the Adversary, shall the Dragon coil in my
being! Let the moon be born again in the darkness, from which my desires arise
from the grave. The arcane of my self is great, such is the being of which I am! Emerge again, awaken
from yours sleep of Thanatos!"




The sorcerer who has developed the Lesser and Greater Familiar, the very spirit and shadow of the moon and the sun, shall at one time seek a permanence of self isolation in the night. The Vampyre is a symbol of survival beyond flesh, the spirit like Djinn whom has tasted the elixir of Hecate, The blood of the moon as the formula of transformation. The wisdom of the serpent in the union of Lilith and Cain, those guardians of the blood path of the Vampyre.

The sorcerous daemon Ahriman is the gateway of shadow knowledge and possession, that as darkness descends, our spirits merge with the familiar and fetish, from the Grave Soil shall out great forms of night black shadows emerge, tasting the umbra-pleasures of dreaming.The shape shifter is one who in the bed of the death posture, leaving in the body of light and shadow, may transpire in the freedom of the vampyre shadow, the self in the primal ecstasy of transformation of ones animal familiars and forms; the bat, moth, wolf or shadow form.

The Circle design is in Three forms - naturally the number of Hecate, mother of the path. The circle from which the sorcerer stands is the binding sigil, representing black magical transformation in the circle to an isolate consciousness. One smaller circle is of NAS, the Necromantic Shade of Ahriman, the initiator unto the gates of the dead. The Third is Mitrokht, being a Vampyric shade of the Voice of command. This is the element of control the Vampyric essence brings, close to the divinity of the Nephilim, those of the Watchers who drink the blood of the land.

The vampyric fetish as created by the sorcerer should be made of a human skull, animal skull or pot. One should relire to the graveyard which houses spirits which one silently communicates and senses about. Sleep for an amount of time in the grave(sunken graves are recommended, as ones body will seemingly sink into the earth with the houses of the dead; upon waking take several handfuls of grave soil which will now be your bed of making, as source for rest and from which the familiar shall reside. Inscribe the Vampyre Fetish with the perfumes of death, Jasmine or Frankincense, any scent which represents the arte in its shadowform.

One may choose to also perfume the fetish with ones own favored scent, being something so closely connected to you that a sense of crystallization may eventually occur. The fetish should then be painted in the sorcerer's own blood or a red color the sigils of transformation and Vampyrie Being, including the sigil of binding. The soil may be kept then in the bottom of the fetish, which upon a parchment ones shadow name (for instance, Akhtya Seker Arimanius, the present author) in the blood of the sorcerer, along with the sigil of binding.

Consider the Vampyric Fetish to house the Greater Shadow Familiar, which is essentially an exteriorization of your own being. One will use the magickal aspects of obsession and

Will - Desire - Belief to set in motion the essence of self-transformalion, the demon emerging in flesh.

The chamber should be adorned in the elements of death, of Vampyrie design with such implements, fetishes and elements of Ahriman, Lilith, Dracul or any night born ghost or image which relates therein. One should dress in the black robe of passing through shadows, a crimson lining if possible to indicate ones rebirth in the Bloodied Caul of Lilith. The Sigil of Binding should be placed upon the altar, as the object of focus.

The Formula of Forming the Shadow as the Vampyric Element of Self Enchantment

Zrazza, Zo I Ao Alusha impredia
I KA Lil Aka umpesha
Usha barruzu shu I aktet
Hekak, Hekak, Zabbatium Arcanum
Hkaru Lil kal Ika
Usha zrazza zo druj umpesha

Hear me forms of shadow which that gate I have opened
Let no night go undiscovered before my being
Hear me darkest spirits of the abyss
Come forth from your mansion within the moon and the grave
I open now the Left Gate of Becoming-


Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas
By the sign of the shadow, Arimanius I summon thee!

By the Eight Tomb of the Sah, whom is called the Quarter song of the Grave
By the first which is the name Zaresha, devouress who waits beyond Lilith's Caul

Came now before my cup of lunar blood, congress with my shadow
in the sexual union of the Dragon and Whore

By the second which is the name Azosha, whom burns the flame of the
dead in the emerald light of Azrail, guard this temple

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