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The comp.sys.apple2 Usenet newsgroup Apple II FAQs originate from
the Ground Apple II archive, 1997-2005. Administrator: Steve Nelson

Csa2 FAQs-on-Ground ref: Csa21MAIN2.txt  rev086 May 2005

Main Hall-2: Contents

 001- Where does FAQs content come from?
 002- How and where do I locate information in the FAQs?

001- Where does FAQs content come from?

     Content comes chiefly from USENET postings, emails and other submissions, Apple II archive sites, and the FAQs maintainer (past and present).  As in the original rev001 release, credit is given for answers and materials used in the Csa2 Apple II FAQs. --Rubywand


002- How and where do I locate information in the FAQs?

     The main FAQs files consist of Questions with Answers centering on some specific Apple II topic. For these, the questions are listed here as well as at the start of each FAQs file and inside the body of the file. (Whenever questions are listed together, they are shortened as necessary so that each fits on a single line.)

     To find an answer, peruse the Contents below for the FAQs file title-- e.g. "Csa2FDRIVE  Floppy drives"-- which fits your question best and read through the questions answered in that file. If a question looks like a good match, go to the file and read the answer.

     Sometimes, the best match to your question may be in some file only partly related to your topic. For instance, to find out about converting .dsk game files to diskette, you should check "Csa2FLUTILS  ShrinkIt, disk image, and other file utilities" instead of the Games FAQs. Doing a 'Find' for a key word in this document is another way to zero-in on relevant material.

     An expanded listing of topics linked to FAQs content is available in the "Quick Find" page at http://home.swbell.net/rubywand/A2FAQs8QUICKFIND.html .

     Another way to use the FAQs is to peruse the site listings in Csa21MAIN3. The site descriptions and links may lead to a treasure trove of information covering your topic.

     There are, also, FAQs Resource files. These are pics, diagrams, mini- manuals, programs, etc. which are referenced in one or more FAQs answers. Resource files have names like R004STEREO.GIF and R007BATRAMM.zip. They are maintained on the Ground archive and a few other sites:

ref. ftp://ground.ecn.uiowa.edu/apple2/Faqs/

The main html version of the FAQs includes a linked listing at ...

http://home.swbell.net/rubywand/A2FAQs2CONTENT.html#res .

The Resource files are listed and briefly described near the end of this file. --Rubywand


Csa21MAIN1  General Apple II and Getting Started Q&A  (part1)

 001- What is a FAQ?
 002- What is comp.sys.apple2 and how can I read/post messages there?
 003- What software do I need to get started and how do I get it?
 004- How and where do I download and upload Apple II files?
 005- Where can I get Apple II information, software, books, and parts?
 006- What is an Apple II: The KIM
 007- What is an Apple II: The Apple I
 008- What is an Apple II: The Apple ][ and Apple ][+
 009- What is an Apple II: The "Black Apple"
 010- What is an Apple II: The Apple //e
 011- What is an Apple II: The Apple //c and IIc+
 012- What is an Apple II: The Laser 128EX and 'EX/2
 013- What is an Apple II: The Apple IIgs
 014- What is an Apple II: The Apple IIe Emulation Card
 015- What is an Apple II: The Trackstar Apple II Emulation Card
 016- What is an Apple II: Emulators
 017- Apple "][", "Apple II", "Apple //"-- which is correct?
 018- What is "8 bit" and "16 bit"?
 019- How can I tell what version my computer is?
 020- Suppose I just want to start using my Apple II Now!?
 021- Where do I find out about Apple II users' groups?
 022- How can I find out more about using and programming my Apple II?
 023- Where can I find out about Apple II developers?

Csa21MAIN2  FAQs Contents  (part2)

 001- Where does FAQs content come from?
 002- How and where do I locate information in the FAQs?

Csa21MAIN3  Apple II Web Sites  (part24)

 001- Where can I get Apple II information and software on the net?
 002- Where can I get games for my Apple II on the net?
 003- Where can I find hints, docs, pics, and other game information?
 004- Where can I get game creation programs and information?
 005- Where can I buy Apple II systems, parts, boards, and software?
 006- Where can I get Apple II books and periodicals?
 007- How do I get my Apple II site listed in the FAQs?
 008- What determines whether or not a site is listed?

Csa21MAIN4  Get It- Links to popular software packages  (part25)

 001- Where can I get ShrinkIt, binscii, DSK2FILE, ASIMOV, etc.?
 002- Where can I get ADT, ADTgs, Agate, Modem MGR, Spectrum ...?
 003- Where can I get DOS 3.3 and ProDOS?
 004- Where and how do I get GS System 6.0.1?
 005- Where can I get AmDOS, OzDOS, DOS 3.3 Launcher, ProSel 8, SpeedGS?
 006- Where can I get Program Writer, GPLE, Merlin, Orca, ... ?
 007- Where can I get Appleworks, ScreenWriter, WordPerfect, ...?
 008- Where can I get Platinum Paint, PaintWorks Gold, DeluxePaint II?
 009- Where can I get 816 Paint, Blazing Paddles, Dazzle Draw, ...?

Csa2ACCEL  ZipGS, TransWarp, etc. accelerators  (part3)

 001- What are the correct settings for a ZipGS?
 002- Why should Appletalk Delay be disabled with a ZipGS?
 003- How do I set up a Transwarp on my IIe?
 004- Is there a way of disabling Transwarp for games?
 005- What are specs & jumper settings for a vintage SpeeDemon?
 006- How does the SpeeDemon rate as an accelerator?
 007- My SpeeDemon accelerator board seems to run hot. A fix?
 008- How should the DIP switches be set on a v3.03 SpeeDemon?
 009- How can I get a 'Cache Hit' indicator for my ZipGS?
 010- How can I program the ZipGS registers?
 011- How can I set up a ProDOS sys file to turn my ZipGS OFF/ON?
 012- Is there some ZipGS mod that will improve performance?
 013- I have a 7MHz ZipGS. How fast can the board be pushed?
 014- What Oscillator freq corresponds to what upgrade speed?
 015- How do I experiment with different oscillator frequencies?
 016- How do I modify my ZipGS to accept the new "skinny" RAM chips?
 017- Is it really necessary to increase board voltage
 018- What kind of performance increase can I expect?
 019- How can I modify my ZipGS for more cache and more speed?
 020- Do I need new GALs to speed up my TransWarpGS?
 021- How does a TWGS cache upgrade compare with a speed upgrade?
 022- How can I upgrade my TWGS to 32k cache?
 023- How can I upgrade TWGS speed?
 024- What kind of RAMs do I need for a TWGS or ZipGS speedup?
 025- How can I tell the firmware version of my TWGS? 
 026- For my TWGS, do I need the 2B GAL to use a SCSI interface card?
 027- Why are my ZipGS settings via the Zip CDA forgotten?
 028- What do the check-marks mean in the ZipGS CDA?
 029- Why don't my ZipGS settings match DIP switch settings!?
 030- I have a ZipGS. Sometimes my GS 'hangs' on power-up. Why?
 031- The speedup has led to system crashes. What's the problem?
 032- A new accelerator board has led to crashes. What's the problem?

Csa2APPLICS  Applications information  (part4)

 001- What Operating System environments does the GS support?
 002- What GS programs are there for viewing/converting graphics?
 003- What Apple II emulators are available and where can I get them?
 004- What is a good file copier program for the IIgs?
 005- Where can I find PEEKs & POKEs and monitor routine info?
 006- How can I boot a good GS System with no hard disk?
 007- Can I do Reverse Speech on my IIgs?
 008- Is it possible to run PaintWorks from hard disk?
 009- How can I read a single ProDOS block into memory under BASIC?
 010- Is there an Apple II program for ham radio CW code practice?
 011- Can my GS do file sharing with a Mac's hard drive?
 012- How can I use a Mac as a network server with my GS?
 013- How can I set up an Appletalk network for 30 IIgs's
 014- How can I capture a GS super-res screen to disk?
 015- What programming languages are available for the Apple ][?
 016- How can I see and edit what's in a Text file?
 017- How do I save a BASIC program in ASCII text form?
 018- Where and how do I get GS System 6.0.1?
 019- Is a graphical user interface (GUI) available for 8-bit A2's?
 020- Where can I get Applesoft shape table info and programs?
 021- How can I get a Postscript file from a GS document?
 022- Where can I get Appleworks and Appleworks info?
 023- Where can I get Apple II languages and programming info?
 024- How can I boot DOS 3.3 images on the Bernie IIgs emulator?
 025- Is there a way to convert two-column Text to one column?
 026- Where can I find an Apple II memory map?
 027- How can I move A2 programs to Quick BASIC on my PC? 

Csa2CDROM  CD-ROM drives and interfaces  (part5)

 001- What do I need to get/do to use Music and Data CD's on my GS?
 002- What do I need discQuest for?
 003- How can I back up my files on write-able CD-ROM?
 004- Is a special driver needed for a Toshiba External 2X CD-ROM?
 005- How can I get sound from my Apple HSS card + CD300 CD-ROM?
 006- Where can I buy CD-ROM discs for the Apple II?
 007- Where can I find more info on CD-ROM drives, products, etc.?
 008- Where can I find out more about CD-ROM recording?

Csa2DOSMM  DOS and ProDOS  (part6)

 001- What is a "DOS"?
 002- What DOS's are available on Apple II computers?
 003- Are there any faster better versions of DOS 3.3?
 004- What commands are available in DOS 3.3?
 005- How do I use DOS commands from the keyboard?  a program?
 006- How do I use variables in a DOS command?
 007- How do I create new DOS 3.3 diskettes?
 008- How much storage space is on a 5.25" diskette?
 009- Can I format a DOS 3.3 diskette for just data storage?
 010- What is the "Volume Table of Contents" or "VTOC"?
 011- Can I assign names to my DOS 3.3 diskettes?
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