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About ProDOSifier
Author: Jon Bettercourt
Authors Email:
Status and Distribution: Freeware release with no distribution restrictions

It¹s a Mac ŒApplescript app¹ that runs on a Macintosh computer for the
needs of people using a Mac for their Apple II ProDOS files, who want
to change them to the correct file type for use on their respective Apple
II model of computer or Apple II/IIgs emulators.

To run this script application, you must first install AppleScript. 
Here¹s a review of it¹s use.


ProDOSifier is a very user friendly program with step-by-step user instructions
in it.  Just follow them and you should have no problems using it. It will let
you drop files on it to be set up to be transferred to a ProDOS disk. It will
ask you for a ProDOS file type and aux. type and will set the Macintosh file
type accordingly. You can enter input as decimal or hexadecimal. You can also
enter mneumonics for the file types. 

Uploaded by Charles T. ŒDr. Tom¹ Turley for the author.

Cheers & Enjoy!
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