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About: JPEG.3200.SHK file
Uploaded by: Charles T. (Dr. Tom) Turley, Ph.D. 
Cofounder - Executive Coordinator - 1WSW
115 Santa Clara St. 
Brisbane, CA., 94005
Tel. (415) 468-1609 
e-mail: Internet -
              GEnie - C.TURLEY2

Program Author: 1WSW - Associate Team Member

Atsuhiro Suzuki, M.D.
Advanced Graphics Hardware Designer, Associate Programmer & Consultant
Psychiatrist: Japanese Navy
3-22-13-101 Kamariyahigashi
Kanazawa-Ku, Yokohama
e-mail: CompuServe: 71701,53
              GEnie: A.SUZUKI

This 'JPEG.3200.SHK file, contains everything you will need to convert an imported JPEG graphic file to a GS 3200 SHR color picture file.  It works very slowly, but very well.  I've used it with very high quality results.  

It's a beta version (v0.2b) and has never been released before, to the best of my knowledge. It's a vintage 2/92 disk, that Dr. Suzuki, sent me.  I thought all of you 'NET SURFERS' and 'GS JPEG GRAPHIC FILE COLLECTORS' , would find it useful, with any conversions you wanted to do with JPEG color picture files to GS 3200 SHR picture files.   

I'm sure Dr. Suzuki, would be glad to inform you of any updates for it, that he might have in the works or any other related graphics efforts, he's engaged in, with either software or hardware projects for the GS.  All you need do is contact him, as noted, above.  I'm sure he would even supply the source codes to his JPEG to 3200 GS conversion program, if you simply asked him.

I've also included a collection of all the JPEG SRC.CODES, for all related JPEG. programs for the GS, and related data, from a  world wide collection, I had.  

You may find additional information related to JPEG files and the GS, for your own programming efforts, in these three SHK files, respectively titled as follow and included within the 1WSW folder; JPEGSC1.SHK, JPEGSC2.SHK and
JPEGSC3.SHK.  They all contain useful public domain, FreeWare and/or ShareWare JPEG source codes, programs, routines and related JPEG file format information.

Also of interest:  Our 1WSW team member, Ushi, listed below, has been working on a very fast and efficient JPEG Viewer (??CONVERTER - COLOR version??), (the B & W - pre-release, having been already made available on many on-line services and the NET, via uploads from other individuals).  

Ushiroda Atsushi
Canon Machida-Ryo 318
2-21-25 Haramachida
Machida, Tokyo 194
Chairperson: FApple and NIFTY-Serve: QGA01137 
FAX: +81-427-21-2372

You may wish to contact him for more information on his JPEG to GS display/conversion programming progress , its status and release date.

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