Samsung SGH-Z620 service manual.pdf

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1. Safety Precautions
2. Specification
3. Product Function
4. Array course control
5. Exploded View and Parts list
6. MAIN Electrical Parts List
7. Block Diagrams
8. PCB Diagrams
9. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting
10. Reference data
This Service Manual is a property of Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.
Any unauthorized use of Manual can be punished under applicable
International and/or domestic law.
Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.
2006. 09. Rev.1.0
1. Safety Precautions
1-1. Repair Precaution ...........................................................................1-1
1-2. ESD(Electrostatically Sensitive Devices) Precaution ...........................1-2
2. Specification
2-1. GSM General Specification ..............................................................2-1
2-2. GSM TX power Level ......................................................................2-2
3. Product Function
4. Array course control
4-1. Downloading Binary Files .............................................................4-2
4-2. Pre-requsite for Downloading .......................................................4-2
4-3. S/W Downloader Program ............................................................4-3
5. Exploded View and Parts list
5-1. Cellular phone Exploded View ......................................................5-1
5-2. Cellular phone Parts list ..............................................................5-2
5-3. Disassembly ...............................................................................5-4
5-4. Assembly ...................................................................................5-6
6. MAIN Electrical Parts List
7. Block Diagrams
8. PCB Diagrams
9. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting
9-1. Baseband ................................................................................9-1
9-1-1. Power ON ..........................................................................9-1
9-1-2. Initial ................................................................................9-4
9-1-3. SIM Part .............................................................................9-6
9-1-4. Microphone Part .................................................................9-7
9-1-5. Speaker Part_1(MP3, SPEAKER PHONE) ................................9-8
9-1-6. Speaker Part_2(RECEIVER) ................................................9-10
9-1-7. Charging Part ...................................................................9-11
9-2. RF .........................................................................................9-13
9-2-1. EGSM RX .........................................................................9-13
9-2-2. DCS RX ...........................................................................9-15
9-2-3. PCS RX ............................................................................9-16
9-2-4. EGSM TX .........................................................................9-17
9-2-5. DCS TX ...........................................................................9-18
9-2-6. PCS TX ............................................................................9-19
10. Reference data
1. Safety Precautions
1-1. Repair Precaution
Repair in Shield Box, during detailed tuning.
Take specially care of tuning or test,
because specipicty of cellular phone is sensitive for surrounding interference(RF noise).
Be careful to use a kind of magnetic object or tool,
because performance of parts is damaged by the influence of manetic force.
Surely use a standard screwdriver when you disassemble this product,
otherwise screw will be worn away.
Use a thicken twisted wire when you measure level.
A thicken twisted wire has low resistance, therefore error of measurement is few.
Repair after separate Test Pack and Set because for short danger (for example an
overcurrent and furious flames of parts etc) when you repair board in condition of
connecting Test Pack and tuning on.
Take specially care of soldering, because Land of PCB is small and weak in heat.
Surely tune on/off while using AC power plug, because a repair of battery charger is
dangerous when tuning ON/OFF PBA and Connector after disassembing charger.
Don't use as you pleases after change other material than replacement registered on SEC
Otherwise engineer in charge isn't charged with problem that you don't keep this rules.
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This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization
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