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Inner Sea
Jason Nelson, Sean K Reynolds, and Owen K.C. Stephens
Magic Schools
of the
Inner Sea
Daggermark Poisoner’s Guild
The Harrowed Society
Kintargo Opera House
Citadel Enferac
White Grotto
Crimson Citadel
Oenopion Fleshforges
Inner Sea Magic
A Pathfinder Campaign Setting Supplement
This book works best with the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.
Although suitable for play in any fantasy world, it is optimized for use in
the Pathfinder campaign setting.
Table of Contents
Magic of the Inner Sea
Variant Magic
Magic Schools
Spellcasters of the Inner Sea
Jesse Benner, Jason Nelson, Sean K Reynolds,
Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor
Cover Artist
Alex Aparin
Interior Artists
Alberto Dal Lago, Emile Denis,
Mariusz Gandzel, MuYoung Kim, Roberto Pitturru,
Maichol Quinto, and Kyushik Shin
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This product makes use of the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide, Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide,
Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic.
These rules can be found online as part of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document at
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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic
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Campaign Setting:
Inner Sea Magic
of the
Inner Sea
of the
Inner Sea
n the Inner Sea region, magic takes many forms.
Whether wielded by a faithful priest or a well-trained
arcanist, magic makes the impossible possible. It can
work great miracles of beauty, raise the dead, and build
unbelievable structures in a fraction of the time it would
take even an army of slaves to construct them. But it can
also effect devastating works of ruin, cause death and pain,
and unleash the evils of the planes into the world. In short,
there is very little that magic cannot accomplish, given
time and skill and the will to see it through.
This book provides a detailed look at not only the role
magic and spellcasters play in the Inner Sea region, but also
how these effects have helped shape history and made the
realm the place it is today. Yet in addition to the intricacies
of variant magic, the wonders of spellcaster schools and
temples, the varieties of different specializations, and the
delights of strange and potent new spells, several specific
realms in the Inner Sea region find themselves shaped by
their unique relationship with magic. This section explores
several of the most noteworthy of these realms, as well as
introducing a number of the region’s most powerful or most
famous spellcasters from both the past and the present.
In the bone-deep cold of the north, magic serves the strong.
Once part of the Linnorm Kings’ great realm, Irrisen was
carved out by the great witch queen, Baba Yaga. Her march
south from the Crown of the World annihilated most of the
region’s Ulfen natives and enslaved all who did not perish
outright. In the centuries that have followed, Baba Yaga’s
daughters have perpetuated a magical monarchy based on
witchcraft. The winter witches use their spells and dreaded
hexes to make the very land itself seem like an enemy,
freezing the realm in a time of eternal winter.
Perhaps nowhere else in the Inner Sea is magic so
demonstrably present, so worked into the fabric of everyday
life, as in Jalmeray. The “Kingdom of the Impossible” is a
place where the touch of genies and powerful spellcasters is
evident in every landscape. Potent elemental spirits are the
origin of Jalmeray’s mythic splendor. When the Vudrani first
arrived here millennia ago, they brought their genies with
them as servants and used wishcraft to shape the land to their
whims. While Jalmeray is still built upon this most powerful
of all magics, its people today have not grown complacent.
The Kingdom of the Impossible remains a destination for
spellcasters of all kind wishing to study in the exhaustive
archives of the island’s monasteries, or to prospect for some
piece of arcana left behind by the arclords of Nex from their
brief habitation. The smiling Thakur Kharswan feels that
all who seek or bring magical knowledge are welcome on
Jalmeray, save those few who use the island to study the
fabled Mana Wastes between the kingdoms of Nex and Geb.
Ever conscious of how integral magic is to Jalmeray’s very
existence, those who study that perversion of magic are
politely encouraged to take their research elsewhere.
Magical Regions
While magic and spellcasters can be found throughout
the Inner Sea region, some regions in particular are more
magical than others. This may be because their rulers are
powerful spellcasters, because they were once the site of
magical empires, or because magic infuses the very land
itself. In one way or another, the following lands across the
Inner Sea region hold magic as a day-to-day fact of life.
The kingdom of Geb is the undisputed cradle of necromantic
magic in the Inner Sea region. Still ruled by the ghost of
its founding monarch and his undead queen (Geb and
Arazni, respectively), this undead dictatorship counts
liches, vampires, and ghouls among its ruling class. A
society based on undeath supports this grim aristocracy,
with skeletal warriors filling the ranks of Geb’s army,
standing watch behind massive walls that can spring to
life on command. Meanwhile, a massive caste of mindless
zombies and cadaverous constructs toil in the kingdom’s
endless fields—in gruesome irony, Geb’s lush climate and
warm sea air are perfect for agriculture. With comparatively
few living citizens to feed, Geb exports most of this zombie-
grown food throughout the Inner Sea, trading for the rare
goods required to further the study of necromancy. In Geb’s
urban centers, sentient undead are considered full citizens
under the law, with equal protection to the humanoids
living alongside them. Humanoids not born into the upper
caste, however, are doomed to be chattel—bred as slaves and
eventually food for Geb’s ghouls and vampires.
Mana Wastes
It is the epitome of irony that the place in the Inner Sea
that perhaps best demonstrates the potency of magic is
the same place where magic itself rarely works as it should.
Lying between the nations of Geb and Nex and home to
the industrious Duchy of Alkenstar, the Mana Wastes are
the byproduct of the epic war between two great wizards,
Geb and Nex. As their powerful armies raged and clashed
over their shared border, the damage caused by their magic
and that of their followers turned the verdant fields that
joined their kingdoms into a blasted wasteland. By the
end of the wars, the endless spells and counterspells had
created massive areas of magical feedback that blighted
the landscape and warped reality itself. Today the Mana
Wastes are an extensive no-man’s-land populated by spell-
twisted mutants, strange undead, and abandoned animated
machines of war. Here, magic is dead at best. At worst,
magic itself becomes a wild and untamed entity, twisting
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