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Sanatana Dharma Gita
Shri Gurudev Mahendranath
This edition typeset by Adityanath using the LTEX Documentation System.
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Sanatana Dharma Gita
1. Only a speck among the countless stars;
This orb, this earth, in loneliness of space;
More lonely still, but not far away from God,
The groping, blind, and foolish human race.
2. What other worlds can see our tiny orb,
Or know that of its surface God has blessed,
The land of India as the place supreme,
To be the guide and leader of the rest?
3. For in this Holy Land, the Lord did light,
The flame of Wisdom to illume the earth,
And to great saints, reveal the only path
To lead a man to God and end rebirth.
4. From whence came Man, or how, we cannot tell,
For none can solve the riddle of the past;
But though we cannot ever know the first,
God has revealed what is to come at last.
5. What is the path which men should try to tread;
What is the way that men should try to live?
The way to God has clearly been revealed,
And this, the Science of God, we now must give.
6. The greatest miracle of all, is God;
A sacred chant, a spell, a mystic verse;
The Great Divine Magician of all power,
Whose magic circle bounds the universe.
7. Beyond imagination is the Best;
Unlimited by thoughts of what might be;
Beyond the terms of tangible and test;
Such is the One, beyond eternity.
8. How can man ever feel he is alone,
If God is always present in his mind;
How can he ever be alone when God
Is ever guiding him the path to find?
9. Like as a palace built of brilliant stars,
A galaxy of joy and bliss, divine;
Is the abode of God the Absolute
The paradise for which all Souls do pine.
10. A virtuous man will want and want for God;
With joy and bliss to come, he ofttimes sings;
The foolish man will spend his life in greed
And wanting for the wrong and useless things.
11. If good is God and God is all the good,
Then while this cosmic drama does endure,
Should not we see Eternal Moral Law,
Since evil cannot come from what is pure?
12. The true belief in God is based in trust;
The man who is sincere will act on this;
His management is best in every way
And gives a life of harmony and bliss.
13. The Universe is large and God is Great,
But is a man content to only be,
Just what he is, a tiny speck of dust;
A drop of water in a boundless sea?
14. A teeming world of unimportant folk,
Performing their inconsequential deeds;
Achieving nothing much of any worth,
Like gardeners, producing only weeds.
15. A vast procession coming on life’s stage,
An endless cast of actors, one by one,
Playing some minor role and then to bow,
And make their exit when the play is done.
16. So what is all this acting and this play,
The passing panorama of humanity;
An endless stream which stays awhile and goes,
To leave this foolish world of pride and vanity?
17. In this one life we may not get reward;
In this one life the goal may not be won;
But righteousness will always be supreme;
In course of time, true justice will be done.
18. Though evil goes unpunished in this life
And wicked people flourish day by day,
They cannot cheat the moral law of God;
The time must come when debts they have to pay.
19. There is a lamp which burns eternally,
A thing of splendour, hidden deep within;
Until its light is liberated, free,
How can real joy and happiness begin?
20. From life to life, in blindness groping on,
The Soul with homesickness does wend its way,
And growing tired of toil and body forms,
Awakens to a new and wondrous day.
21. Suffering and tears belong to the body;
The Soul alone exists and bears no pain;
The Soul can never die; it knows no death;
In every life the Soul must live again.
22. Reborn and yet reborn again, again,
And life on life is like an endless chain,
For only when this rebirth process ends,
A man will know the end of grief and pain.
23. The Soul remains the particle of God;
It is not ever soiled and knows no “sin”;
Knows of wrong but is not sullied by it,
Though dragged through birth and death and suffering.
24. Rebirth will come according to our deeds
At any age in time and place in space;
Reborn in heaven, hell, or other spheres;
Perhaps, reborn within the human race.
25. Whatever way a body comes to birth,
It can but only live its ordained span;
But in the ways of rebirth of the Soul
’Tis rare to be reborn again as man.
26. For most must go as animals to live
Or into hell or heaven’s wider plains;
All those who come again to human kind,
Will do so from the merit they have gained.
27. By thought and speech and deed we karma make,
For future bad or for our future good;
For making happiness or bringing woe,
And all our life, this must be understood.
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